Anxiety disorder

Aside from having an insomnia, which is results of traumatic environment, we also somewhat begin to experienced symptoms that are significantly correlated from having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Many of us experienced aggression, anxiety and unhealthy living practices. Aggression is one of our identified results from living in a traumatic events or environment. As we define aggression, it is a behavior that a person threatens or even imposes physical injury towards other person.

This is true, we might not obviously observe this kind of symptoms in ourselves but then as I scrutinize other troops these kind of behavior is indeed present to them. Aggression or anger is maybe formed (in my opinions and as I observed and experienced) is when a person experiences a death of his or her colleagues done by their enemies. Basically this person would feel anger for the enemy that who killed his or her friend but also feeling of anger towards him or herself by not providing protection from his friend who is killed.

And as a result, every time that these identified people is on the field, he displaces his anger through his activity in the field or he may even regress from the scenarios. As we expound regression. A person who regress from the situation is somewhat tend to cry over himself, or even blaming him for the cause of the death of his friend. With all the symptoms that are present to us, it is indeed that we are a candidate of having a post traumatic stress disorder. It is said that environment that a person lives with can be a great factor of having this kind of disorder.

It is likewise with our situation, we’re troop men living just inches away from the war events or traumatic events. In this way, the usual living of ours has changed. Even we use unhealthy living practices like of regressions from the situations or scenarios, being lack of feelings towards the situations and even changes in normal day lifestyle that probably affects our daily living. Aside from the environment, hereditary is one of the causes of having this kind of disorder.

A person who has a parent having this kind of disorder, these identified people may also acquire to her parents of having the disorder. Some of us would probably having no history from our family disorder. But then our physician diagnosed us as having a post traumatic stress disorder. We therefore conclude that Post traumatic stress disorder which was diagnosed solely to us is not acquired through hereditary, but it is an environmental influences With all the information above, it is indeed that Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome is a minor syndrome that is treated promptly.

But this disorder is became a major syndrome when these identified syndrome last longer for a long period of time or even this may lead to a major depressive disorder. With also our stay in Afghanistan and Iraq, we observe that these identified countries have its own similarities and differences in terms of its culture, religions, tribes and sects. The essay is well put together, but needs to be cleaned up so it transitions better into each paragraph. Also this is English Composition so any words with I, me, You types are automatically a no no and will need those changed accordingly.

We, as a troop men, my colleagues travel around the world, to experience the life and culture of every people in the world, the most memorable and most traumatic for us is staying in Afghanistan and Iraq. Both of this …

Post traumatic stress disorder is a disorder that occur due to anxiety as a result of exposure to any terrifying or shocking event(s). Post trauma stress disorder is a continues, ongoing and severe emotional reaction of a severe psychological or …

The causes of this disorder can include any kind of sexual abuse, physical or emotional abuse, threat to the life of the prospect or to any person close to him/her, exposure to any accident, exposure to fierce incidents like wars, …

Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety disorder each year, resulting in feelings of apprehension and insecurity (Kessler et al. , 2005). Anxiety disorder is different from the short-term anxiety that is experienced after a traumatic event because anxiety disorders …

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