Anorexia Symptoms

The classic physical symptom of anorexia nervosa is weight loss leading to less than 85 percent of an individual’s normal weight. Such excessive weight loss is both startling and noticeable. In addition to losing weight, anorexia nervosa symptoms may include: * amenorrhea (ceased menstruation).

* bloating
* breast atrophy
* brittle, twisted hair
* constipation
* hair loss on scalp
* lack of sexual interest
* loss of body fat
* low blood pressure
* muscle atrophy
* yellow, “blotchy” skin.
Physical Signs
* Excessive weight loss
* Scanty or absent menstrual periods
* Thinning hair
* Dry skin
* Cold or swollen hands and feet
* Bloated or upset stomach
* Downy hair covering the body
* Low blood pressure
* Fatigue
* Abnormal heart rhythms
* Osteoporosis
Psychological and Behavioral Signs
* Distorted perception of self (insisting they are overweight when they are thin) * Being preoccupied with food
* Refusing to eat
* Inability to remember things
* Refusing to acknowledge the seriousness of the illness
* Obsessive-compulsive behavior
* Depression
What To Watch For
* Skipping meals or making excises not to eat
* Eating only a few foods
* Refusing to eat in public
* Planning and preparing elaborate meals for others but not eating * Constantly weighing themselves
* Ritually cutting food into tiny pieces
* Compulsive exercising
* -Arm Pain
* -Back Pain
* -Blisters
* -Burns
* -Chest Pain
* -Cold Feet
* -Cough
* -Diaper Rash
* -Diarrhea
* -Fever
* -Gas & Bloating
* -Headache
* -Heartburn
* -Insect Bites
* -Insomnia
* -Menstrual Cramps
* -Nausea
* -Neck Pain
* -Pinkeye
* -Rash
* -Scalp Problems
* -Seizures
* -Shoulder Pain
* -Snoring
* -Sore Throat
* -Sunburn
* -Wrist Pain
The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Anorexia Nervosa includes the 78 symptoms listed below: * Weight changes
* Weight loss
* Thinness
* Low body weight
* Emaciation
* Obession with food and eating
* Unusual eating habits
* Eating rituals
* Excessive care in eating
* Playing with food
* Weighing foods
* Intentional starvation
* Cooking – some anorexics will prepare food for others but not eat it themselves * Obsession with weight
* Fear of gaining weight
* Desire to lose weight
* Denial of hunger
* Intense body dissatisfaction
* Repeatedly checking weight
* Distortion of body image
* Believing too fat even when thin
* Denial of low body weight
* Wearing layered clothing – used to hide weight loss * Abusing other weight control methods
* Excessive exercise
* Purging
* Vomiting
* Laxative abuse
* Enema abuse
* Diuretic abuse
* Menstrual abnormalities
* Irregular menstrual periods
* Absent menstrual periods
* Delayed first period
* Physical symptoms – mainly from malnutrition and starvation * Esophagus inflammation – from purging or vomiting
* Dry skin
* Thinning hair
* Cold sensitivity
* Vulnerable to infections
* Anemia
* Heart palpitations
* Bone loss
* Tooth decay
* Soft body hair (lanugo)
* Excess body hair
* Excess facial hair
* Hair loss
* Balding scalp
* Low breathing rate
* Slow pulse
* Low blood pressure
* Low thyroid function
* Low body temperature
* Excessive thirst
* Excessive urination
* Dehydration
* Constipation
* Muscle mass loss
* Swollen joints
* Light-headedness
* Emotional symptoms
* Low self-esteem
* Withdrawal
* Isolation
* Secrecy
* Interpersonal conflicts
* Resistance to treatment
* Denial that they are ill
* Suicidal tendency
* Excessive preoccupation with food
* Consider themselves overweight despite being the contrary * Self-starvation
* Binge eating
* Absence of menstruation
* Hyperactivity
* Depression
* Malnutrition
* more information…»

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