10 Symptoms of Cancer in Women

10 cancer symptoms that women should know. Women need to be especially careful of any signs and symptoms that their body could manifest. Many gynecological cancers cause symptoms that occur early enough to be successfully treated. Ladies, watch your bodies! If you find anything abnormal, seek a consultation with a family doctor. Chances are that your symptoms are not a manifestation of a cancer, but it is better to be safe. 1. Pelvic pain Pelvic pain is characterized by pain or pressure sensation below the navel. It is persistent and cannot be placed solely on account of PMS.

Pelvic pain is associated with endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, fallopian tube cancer and vaginal cancer. 2. Bloating and abdominal swelling Bloating and abdominal swelling is one of the most common symptoms of ovarian cancer. It is also the symptom most commonly ignored. Abdominal bloating may be so high that you cannot close the zipper or buttons on the skirt or pants, or are forced to buy larger clothes. 3. Persistent pain in the lower back (lower lumbar pain) Lower lumbar pain occurs in the lower back.

It is often felt as a dull ache. Some women describe it as similar as the pain of labor. Lower back pain is a symptom of ovarian cancer. 4. Abnormal vaginal bleeding Abnormal vaginal bleeding is the most common symptom in women who currently have a gynecologic cancer. Excessive menstrual bleeding, bleeding between menstrual periods and bleeding during and after intercourse are considered abnormal vaginal bleeding and are symptoms of gynecological cancer. This symptom occurs in cervical cancer, uterine cancer and ovarian cancer. 5.

Persistent fever A fever that does not pass or lasts more than 7 days should be signaled to your family doctor. A rebellious fever to the symptomatic treatment is often a symptom of cancer. Note, however, that fever can also be a symptom of many other benign conditions. 6. Persistent bowel disturbance or changes in seat If you have constipation, diarrhea, blood in the stools, intestinal gas, loose stools or simply a global seat change, seek medical advice from your doctor. All these changes could be symptoms of gynecologic cancer or colon cancer.

7. Unintentional weight loss Loss of at least 10 kg, when not intending it could be a surprise, but this is not normal. Although a woman’s weight may fluctuate within a month, a weight loss of 10 kg or more should really alarm your family doctor. 8. Abnormalities of the vulva or vagina When abnormalities of the vulva or vagina appear, you must be watch carefully if there are not present wounds, blisters, skin discoloration or leakage of secretions. Women should self-examine their vulva and vagina regularly to see if such changes occur.

9. Breast Changes During monthly self examination of breasts, women should investigate if there are lumps, sores, swelling, wrinkles, redness, swelling or discharge from the nipples. Notify your family doctor if any changes occurred as soon as possible. 10. Fatigue Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of cancer. It is usually more common in advanced stages, but can also occur in the early stages. Any type of fatigue that prevents you from doing normal daily activities should be investigated by a doctor.

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