Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Abrupt withdrawal from hard drugs and even prescription medication, such as beta blockers, antidepressants, corticosteroids and anticonvulsants is extremely harmful for both the body and the brain and some may even lead to fatality (Mcdowell and Spitz, page 5). Drug detoxification program as implemented by innumerable rehabilitation institutes requires application of various therapeutic measures to cope with physical dependency.

Different system approach attempting to implement or expand treatment programs into the range of correctional options were put into practice to cater the different needs of individual involve in substance abuse. Broad perspectives that is strictly consistent with the most recent empirical evidence science provides since substance abuse appears virtually prevalent to most offenders is contemporary for rehabilitation agency administrators to provide among its clients.

Convening for an incorporated, systematic approach to substance abuse treatment gives a positive response that the system, as a whole, is held responsible, measurable by an agreement upon dependability of objectives and philosophy. Collaboration and synchronization among human services such as treatment agencies, researchers, probation and parole and related community services agencies have confirmed an effective technique in fighting the problems of limited resources and duplicative efforts concerning substance abuse and through active partnerships, the long term outcome of substance abuse treatment stratagems possibly improved.

The consequences of substance abuse are far reaching and its financial cost alone is staggering and this may include obliteration of the family unit, under and unemployment, increases in crime and violence in accumulation to the crime of illegal drug use and multiply the rates of infected humans with diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis and tuberculosis. Parameter of Substance Abuse as Regulated by the Law

Substance abuse as regards by many to be a huge economic issue, a problem that revolves around the theory of supply and demand thus the main focus of the war on drugs has been to make an attempt to dry up the supply. Vast resources set to border patrol units, drug seizures and law enforcement and these efforts done by the United States wasn’t enough to tail down the supplier of illegal substances (Sidlow and Henschen, page 354). The anti-drug institution now focuses on the proposal that the coherent next step is to converge on the “demand” side of the issue.

New avenues which include a focus on both treatment and strict accountability measures are required to achieve this balance and it is necessary require the involvement and cooperation of many human service agencies, working together to come up with a positive change. Aren’t We There Yet? Substance abuse by an individual or human being is a very serious problem that can not be taken for granted for so long. The individual creates setback starting from his physical self-being, to family, to schools, to workplaces and to society at large.

Use or abuse of illicit substances is now occurring at a very young age and results increase the numbers of adolescents entering treatment centres with greater impact on social and emotional developmental deficits. It is challenging to work with a hostile person in a therapeutic relationship and based on some studies, those who are in their adolescent stage are the most challenging clients to work with in counselling. Adolescents may be loath to associate in building relationship with adults in rehab centres and frequently unmotivated for change.

The resistance to counselling or rehabilitation is a part of a normal developmental process of autonomy. This behaviour of human is expected as a natural reaction to a directive and confrontational therapist thus, the rehab institutions need to have a clear conceptual understanding that every individual is unique and needs to be recognized in order to establish and maintain a therapeutic relationship. My Perspective: It’s Not Too Late People do not exist in isolation and every human being is a part of larger system.

People in the family unit play an important role in moulding the relationship of its members. It is very important for a rehab institution to consider the whole family system. The institute need to take a keen look at the individual’s involvement to other larger external systems such as the school, the workplace, and legal systems to gain an extensive understanding of a dysfunction and to catch the root cause of substance abuse. The primary sources of the development of human comprise the structure and processes of the genetics and the family environment.

Parents influence their children’s behaviour in so many ways. Parents need to provide positive attachment with their children to help them in forming their minds and life’s approaches. Parental nurturance and support, parent-child communications, and parental relationships have a linking factor to substance abuse at a very young age. One Step Each Time: We Will Get There We often ask ourselves why these things happen and why are so many people indulge in using substances to fill in their emptiness.

After thinking for quite some time, we will be going back to observe the family where these people came from. We can not deny the fact that parents has an important role in their offspring’s outlook in life. Their children see them as their role models therefore; they need to be the greatest parents as they can be. Parents provide the needs of the family but not just the materialistic needs but most important, they must provide sufficient love and care for each member of the family.

It is important that the family has a strong bond. This will keep them strongly together as they face the challenges of life. Hold onto each other and you will see, not a single offspring will be bewildered.

References: Brick, John (2003). Handbook of the medical consequences of alcohol and drug abuse. USA: Haworth Press Connors, Gerard Joseph, Donovan, Dennis M. , DiClemente, Carlo C (2001). Substance abuse treatment and the stages of change: Selecting and planning. UK: Guildford Press

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