Alcohol and a combination

On each of the test conducted, the group with the disorder scored relatively higher on both the depression and functionality scales. The conclusion was that on multiple measures, bipolar patients with comorbid anxiety disorders were more considerably sick compared to bipolar patients without comorbid anxiety disorders(Read & Purse, 2007. Meanwhile, the second study was aimed at comparing anxiety disorders and antisocial personality disorder with certain kinds of substance dependence namely cocaine, alcohol, and a combination of the two.

The study reflected the following results(Read & Purse, 2007: 1. Cocaine users were more prone to being diagnosed as bipolar I instead of bipolar II while patients dependent on alcohol were most likely a split between bipolar I and bipolar II. 2. The likelihood of being in a present state of depression was seen in the patients who were dependent on alcohol; patients depending on cocaine were more likely to be in a mixed state. 3. In both groups, eight out of ten patients manifested at least one comorbid anxiety disorder.

When combined, both studies can reveal some serious considerations by the individual suffering from bipolar disorder, their friends and loved-ones, their practitioners and therapists. Because a patient suffering from bipolar disorder and anxiety disorder or substance abuse is more prone to suffering from several bipolar manifestations and attempting suicide, it is vital that(Read & Purse, 2007: Patients should honestly communicate to their mental health care specialist concerning substance abuse and must be on the look out for anxiety symptoms.

The members of the family as well as their friends must likewise do their part in informing the attending doctor about substance abuse or anxiety disorders of the patient. In case the patient is suffering from multiple disorders, the family member or friend must seek emergency assistance especially if they are in a state of denial, does not respond to treatment, or is not regularly seen by a provider. On the part of the provider, they should be knowledgeable about the additional risks of substance abuse and comorbid anxiety disorders.

They should likewise be aware of signs and symptoms in patients who are not providing a report of their condition. Although bipolar disorder and substance abuse are closely related, the exact connection between the two is quite complicated. There have been a lot of theories that provides an explanation of their co-occurrence. Patients suffering from bipolar disorders usually resort to substance abuse in order to counteract the negative symptoms and there is minimal proof supporting the self-medication principle(Verduin, Tolliver, & Brady. 2005)

In addition, some of the attributes exhibited by bipolar disorder patients, like being impulsive, poor decision making, and too much involvement in fun activities, are signals that trigger substance abuse(Verduin, Tolliver, & Brady. 2005). Despite the clinical studies being conducted, it is still uncertain whether the findings in these researches will help explain the close connection between bipolar disorder and substance use dependency(Verduin, Tolliver, & Brady. 2005). Moreover, recent literature have established a connection between substance abuse and bipolar disorder.

Because of their high co-occurrence, patients diagnosed with the illness will most likely suffer from alcohol and drug problems. Patients who have suffered from rapid cycling is the most likely to be diagnosed with substance use dependency(Verduin, Tolliver, & Brady. 2005). Some substances, like marijuana, alcohol, and opiates, are known to momentarily stop the effects of mood swings which could eventually have ill effects. The consequences of taking hallucinogens can lead to psychotic symptoms on children and teenagers but can have a severe repercussion on bipolar disorder patients(Verduin, Tolliver, & Brady.2005).

Treatment of bipolar disorder and substance abuse When substance use dependency is already becoming severe or when highly toxic drugs come into play, the role of early intervention becomes vital. The effectiveness of the treatment lies on providing the appropriate medicine. It is important that the person giving the treatment should have proper knowledge about the consequences of drug and alcohol dependency(Bipolar Disorder Centers, n. d) One of the most common forms of treatment of substance abuse is a method known as lithium.

This method is reportedly capable of treating 75 percent of dual-diagnosis patients suffering from bipolar disorder(Bipolar Disorder Centers, n. d). Finally, there is a belief that treating the substance abuse first is the recommended approach. This is because alcohol and drugs can have severe side effects on the medicine used for treating manic depression(Bipolar Disorder Centers, n. d). Programs geared towards treating drug dependency is now starting to incorporate treatment for bipolar disorder as well.

However, the family of the patient must have full awareness of the implications of their disorder and that proper medication and psychiatric help should be accessible(Bipolar Disorder Centers, n. d).

References Franklin, D(n. d). What is Bipolar Disorder? Psychology Information Online. Retrieved July 19 2008 from http://www. psychologyinfo. com/depression/bipolar. htm Grohol, J(2007 September 19). Managing Bipolar Disorder. Psych Central. Retrieved July 19 2008 from http://psychcentral. com/lib/2007/managing-bipolar-disorder/ Jamison, K. R(2008 April 3). Bipolar Disorder. National Institute of Mental Health.

The connection between substance use disorder (SUD) and bipolar disorder has been explored by various literatures. This has been proven by three epidermiologic studies namely the Epidermiological Catchment Area study (ECA), National Comorbidity Study (NCS), and the National Epidemiologic Survey …

Substance abuse is a term used to denote the risky or dangerous use of psychoactive substances, such as alcohol and illegal drugs. Using these substances can bring about the so-called dependence syndrome, which is a group of behavioral, cognitive, and …

The idea of co-morbidity is that there are more than one disorder present at the same time in a patient. There are many other disorders that are commonly seen in those who are diagnosed as having bipolar disorder. Some of …

Individuals with bipolar disorder have been shown through epidemiological data to have a relatively high degree of comorbidity when it comes to problems with alcohol and substance abuse, which may also lead to isolation from those with whom they are …

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