Aerobic system

Paper round: as this is my job I kind of have to do this. The cycling helps to build up the leg muscles and improves the aerobic system. Could do time trials when on the way there and back and try to improve my time each day. Bike ride: aim to do 2 hours bike ride around Froyle, Bentley, Binsted etc (suggestions only) and pace yourself to reach the 2 hours. Don’t worry about getting up to early because it’s a Saturday and your next activity is at 14:30; but don’t forget lunch!

Afternoon Go to the park to play football or basketball at the park. This way you can enjoy yourself whilst doing an aerobic activity with some anaerobic working (sprints etc) could also go and find the boat and go rowing down the river and work on your upper body strength so undercuts will be easier to save. Row down to Binsted or further. Could also go cycling. Aim to be working for at least 4 hours.

Evening Weights: Firstly do 150 bicep curls, 15 sets of 10 reps as this will help with me stick and glove save. Next do 30 quad thrusts (I think that’s what they’re called!) as this will help with my kick in hockey and let me clear the ball further and faster. Afterwards do 70 (7 sets of 10 reps) sit-ups with the 22 lb dumbbells as this will help keep the correct head, knee, tip-toe position throughout the whole match. Lastly do 40 (4 sets of 10 reps) press-ups as this will help with muscles around the arms and the arm muscles.

Saturday Morning Nothing to do! Stay in bed or get up and do whatever. Afternoon Go to the sports centre and first do a certain sport like badminton, racket ball or swimming etc as this will work on the aerobic system. After doing this go to the gym and do whichever circuit you have been given by the trainer. Should hopefully work on aerobic/cardiovascular system, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility.

Evening Nothing: go and play with your friends or just rest! Sunday Morning Big Bike ride: get a few friends together, a packed lunch and bikes to go on a 9 hour bike ride (Inc lunch)! Try not to have to many rests but also don’t over exert yourself though!

Afternoon Big Bike ride: get a few friends together, a packed lunch and bikes to go on a 9 hour bike ride (Inc lunch)! Try not to have to many rests but also don’t over exert yourself though! Evening Weights: Firstly do 150 bicep curls, 15 sets of 10 reps as this will help with me stick and glove save. Next do 30 quad thrusts (I think that’s what they’re called!) as this will help with my kick in hockey and let me clear the ball further and faster. Afterwards do 70 (7 sets of 10 reps) sit-ups with the 22 lb dumbbells as this will help keep the correct head, knee, tip-toe position throughout the whole match. Lastly do 40 (4 sets of 10 reps) press-ups as this will help with muscles around the arms and the arm muscles.

Monday Morning Paper round: as this is my job I kind of have to do this. The cycling helps to build up the leg muscles and improves the aerobic system. Could do time trials when on the way there and back and try to improve my time each day.

Afternoon Go to the sports centre and first do a certain sport like badminton, racket ball or swimming etc as this will work on the aerobic system. After doing this go to the gym and do whichever circuit you have been given by the trainer. Should hopefully work on aerobic/cardiovascular system, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility.

Evening Nothing: go and play with your friends or just rest! Tuesday Morning Paper round: as this is my job I kind of have to do this. The cycling helps to build up the leg muscles and improves the aerobic system. Could do time trials when on the way there and back and try to improve my time each day.

Bike ride: aim to do 3 hours bike ride around Froyle, Bentley, Binsted etc (suggestions only) and pace yourself to reach the 3 hours. Don’t worry about getting up to early because it’s a Saturday and your next activity is at 14:30; but don’t forget lunch!

Afternoon Go to the park to play football or basketball at the park. This way you can enjoy yourself whilst doing an aerobic activity with some anaerobic working (sprints etc) could also go and find the boat and go rowing down the river and work on your upper body strength so undercuts will be easier to save. Row down to Binsted or further. Could also go cycling. Aim to be working for at least 4 hours.

Evening Weights: Firstly do 150 bicep curls, 15 sets of 10 reps as this will help with me stick and glove save. Next do 30 quad thrusts (I think that’s what they’re called!) as this will help with my kick in hockey and let me clear the ball further and faster. Afterwards do 70 (7 sets of 10 reps) sit-ups with the 22 lb dumbbells as this will help keep the correct head, knee, tip-toe position throughout the whole match. Lastly do 40 (4 sets of 10 reps) press-ups as this will help with muscles around the arms and the arm muscles.

Wednesday Morning Paper round: As this is my job, I kind of have to do this. The cycling helps to build up the leg muscles and improves the aerobic system. Could do time trials when on the way there and back and try to improve my time each day.

‘Aerobic’ is a word coined from a scientific term that means ‘with oxygen’ and is used to describe exercise using major muscle groups. In my circuit training I shall use aerobic exercise as it shall form stamina which is needed for …

Pre-season preparation: Do anaerobic, aerobic and skills training – and some extra strength training, I will also prepare this stage, however merging it with the first stage. Competition: will compete regularly, while maintaining his fitness and preventing reversibility and getting enough …

The aim of my programme is to improve my stamina and speed and I will do this by doing aerobic training. Our aerobic system provides us with long-term energy. We use it in most daily activities and it gives us …

At the gym I did 15 minute run on treadmill, 15minute cycle on exercise bike, then did 8 sets of ten bicep curls with 7kg weight, then finish with slow jog on treadmill for 15 minutes Friday: In P. E. …

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