Aerobic Exercise

‘Aerobic’ is a word coined from a scientific term that means ‘with oxygen’ and is used to describe exercise using major muscle groups. In my circuit training I shall use aerobic exercise as it shall form stamina which is needed for my training programme. Aerobic exercise improves cardiovascular fitness, which helps prevent coronary heart disease, circulatory and respiratory problems, and is a useful tool to keep my weight down. The best way to find out if you are working hard enough aerobically is to note how long you are out of breath for if I am slightly out of breath for up to 15 seconds my aerobic exercise is working.

Anaerobic Exercise Anaerobic means ‘without oxygen’, this usually happens when you run as fast as you can until you are gasping for breath. this type of exercise is therefore short and sharp. It contributes to cardio vascular fitness and is frequently used by athletes to increase their capacity for speed and power and to enhance their performance. Evaluation In my training program I am going to use both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. The stations will be set out so that a different area of the body will be used each time. This will also include a cycle of anaerobic and aerobic exercise being used one after another.


This week my circuit was changed because it was not possible to use the equipment required, I changed from hamstring curls to running around the whole circuit as many times as possible in 1 minute, I also took dorsal raises and peck press out of the circuit as it was agreed that only 6 stations would be required. The circuit was set, we were told to work our way around it three times in a total period of approximately … I believe that progression started to take place during the second circuit as the first circuit was more of a warm up for my muscles so that by the time of the third circuit my muscles started to tighten and my body started to tire, although my breathing and cardio vascular system remained steady.

Overload took place during the second circuit. As my muscles became more elastic and used to the exercise I started to push myself more. Extra effort during this circuit increased the intensity of the level I was working at. On each station I gave myself an aim. The aim I went for was, a score that was better then the lap I had done before. This did not succeed, in most of the third lap I was tired. The station I think am going to change is dorsal raisers. I am going to add an aerobic exercise as four from the six stations are anaerobic. The station I’m going to add will be sports specific to rugby.


This week my circuit was changed, two stations that were originally for stamina are now sport specific activities. The first station I changed was a simple side step routine around cones, instead of running around the stations. The second station I changed was from squats to passing a rugby ball off both hands. The circuit was set, we were told to work our way around it three times in a total period of approximately 8mins I believe that progression started to take place during the second circuit as the first circuit was more of a warm up for my muscles so that by the time of the third circuit my muscles started to tighten and my body started to tire, although my breathing and cardio vascular system remained quite steady.

Overload took place during the second circuit. As my muscles became more elastic and used to the exercise I started to push myself more. Extra effort during this circuit increased the intensity of the level I was working at. on each station I gave myself an aim. The aim I went for was a score that was better then the lap I had done before. This did not succeed, in most of the third lap I was tired. The station I think am going to change is squats. I am going to add an aerobic exercise, as four from the six stations are anaerobic. The station I’m going to add will be sports specific.


This week my circuit stayed the same. The circuit was set, progression started to take place during the second circuit as the first circuit was more of a warm up for my muscles so that by the time of the third circuit my muscles started to tighten and my body started to tire, although my breathing and cardio vascular system remained quite steady. Overload took place during the second circuit. As my muscles became more elastic and used to the exercise I started to push myself more.

Extra effort during this circuit increased the intensity of the level I was working at. On each station I gave myself an aim. The aim I went for was, a score that was better then the lap I had done before. This did succeed unlike last week; in most of the third lap I kept my strength and stamina. I am going to change squats. I am going to add an aerobic exercise, as four from the six stations are anaerobic.


This week my circuit changed as I added a sports specific of side steps around as many cones as possible. The circuit was set, progression started to take place during the third circuit as the first circuit was more of a warm up for my muscles so that by the time of the third circuit my muscles started to tighten and my body started to tire, although my breathing and cardio vascular system remained quite steady. I feel I was much fitter this circuit then in early circuits.

Overload took place during the second circuit. As my muscles became more elastic and used to the exercise I started to push myself more. Extra effort during this circuit increased the intensity of the level I was working at. On each station I gave myself an aim. The aim I went for was, a score that was better then the lap I had done before. This did succeed unlike last week; in most of the third lap I kept my strength and stamina. I am not going to change a station for next week.


This week my circuit stayed the same. Progression started to take place during the second circuit as the first circuit was more of a warm up for my muscles so that by the time of the third circuit my muscles started to tighten and my body started to tire, although my breathing and cardio vascular system remained steady. Overload took place during the third circuit. When my muscles became more elastic and used to the exercise. I started to push myself more.

Extra effort during this circuit increased the intensity of the level I was working at. Although I had already achieved what I wanted in my aim for this week. On each station I gave myself an aim. The aim I went for was a score that was better then the lap I had done before. This did succeed. in most of the third lap I kept my strength and stamina. I believe I am much fitter then last week. The station I think am going to change is squats. I am going to add an aerobic exercise, as four from the six stations are anaerobic.


This week my circuit stayed the same. The circuit was set, progression started to take place during the second circuit as the first circuit was more of a warm up for my muscles so that by the time of the third circuit my muscles started to tighten and my body started to tire, although my breathing and cardio vascular system remained quite steady. Overload took place during the second circuit. As my muscles became more elastic and used to the exercise I started to push myself more. Extra effort during this circuit increased the intensity of the level I was working at. On each station I gave myself an aim. The aim I went for was, a score that was better then the lap I had done before. This did succeed unlike last week; in most of the third lap I kept my strength and stamina. The station I think am going to change is squats. I am going to add an aerobic exercise, as four from the six stations are anaerobic.

The aim of my programme is to improve my stamina and speed and I will do this by doing aerobic training. Our aerobic system provides us with long-term energy. We use it in most daily activities and it gives us …

Circuit training is excellent way to simultaneously improve mobility and build strength and flexibility. The great advantage of circuit training is that it can be used to develop strength, flexibility, power, local endurance, agility, anaerobic and aerobic capacities simultaneously (depending …

A warm down is a period of light exercise at the end of a training session to insure a successful recovery will take place. A warm down is important because it allows the body to recover and it prevents your …

I have decided to use Fartlek training and a specific Circuit for my training programme because I feel that these methods of training will improve the necessary muscles, improve suppleness in the appropriate areas and the correct principals of fitness. I …

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