Advances in Medicine

There have been many advances and discoveries in medicine through the past years, but I have two that I believe made a huge difference during this century we are in today. One of them being anesthetic’s and pain medicine, in the old ages thinking stuff such as only removing a boil was unable to do due to pain medicine or anesthetic’s is quiet frightening because in the 21st century a lot of surgery procedures are performed from the minor procedures to the biggest of all such as open heart surgeries.

The purpose of anesthetics is to numb the body of all pain while the doctors do the procedure on the body; it’s taken in as many forms and in different ways. In the old days people would rather have the disease or medical problem there facing kill them with time than go through a surgery because let’s face it no-one wants to go under surgery and feel every touch of the knife under their skin.

So anesthetics are very important in a surgery especially with growing need of surgeries. But we cannot forget of pain medicine because the anesthetics is not complete without the pain medicine, this medicine basically helps with the pain after the procedure and helps the patient not feel the pain once the anesthetic is out the system. This medicine can be in tablets form, liquid form etc.

But overall I believe that this procedure of anesthetics and pain medicine made a huge difference to the world to medicine. One other medical advance that has helped this generation has to be the chemotherapy or the alternative to chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is the use of medication, mostly chemicals, to cure or kill cancer cells it can be used for antibiotics or other purposes too.

The most popular and significance use for chemo is to kill cancer, some doctors use it to delay the rapid increase in cancer cells, prevent recurrence of cancer cells after a tumor is removed or for total remission. Cancer is when the body cells are not growing normally and growing very rapidly and don’t die as fast as compared to regular cells so they clog up and form a tumor and destroy the normal cells around the tumor, so you can tell by how dangerous this can get for the human if not dealt with before it does.

So chemotherapy is a drug to interfere with the role of the cancer cells ability to divide and reproduce chemo drugs may be applied into the blood stream throughout the body or they can be delivered directly on the cancer site, it has been proven ever since these medications have been in place the cancer death rates have dropped by 20%. Not all cancer kills you but the problem it is hard to detect if you don’t get help, once the cancer cells spread its almost impossible since they kill vital organs of the body or tissues. Therefore I believe that Chemotherapy is very important with the growing rate of cancer in this century we live in today.

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