Adrenaline sport

Cricket players’ main attributes for batting are hand-eye co-ordination and reaction time because the ball approaches the batsman at a ferocious speed and varies in position with every ball. Cricket players’ main attributes for bowling are flexibility, speed and balance because he has to deliver a ball accurately at speed so he must be on balance at the point of delivery and must be flexible for the correct technique of a bowl. Cricket players’ main attributes for fielding are reaction time and co-ordination because they need to react to the batsmen’s shot and determine exactly where it’s going to either stop it or catch it.

Rock Climbing (Outdoor Activities) A rock climbers’ main attributes for an endurance climb are muscular endurance, aerobic endurance, and strength because the strength and muscle demands for carrying your own body weight for a lengthy period of time are extremely high. A rock climbers’ main attributes for sprint/race climbing are power, muscular endurance and agility because the athlete needs to be able to climb the rock face as quickly as possible therefore needing a lot of agility to move from rock to rock.

He also needs a powerful upper body to carry his weight at such a pace and because of that pace he needs the muscular endurance. Rock climbing is a very unique sport that requires high mental and physical demand and a lot of discipline. Compared to a sport like cricket it is extremely different, because rock climbing is all solo, only one athletes’ determination to succeed and no one driving him on. Cricket however, is a team game that is much less physical and is less of an adrenaline sport.

However they have something in common, they are both competitive but not in a similar way. In cricket the team is competing against opposition in the form of another team, whereas the rock climber is competing against opposition in the form of the wall. Therefore, the fitness and training components are very different in these two sports. Boxing (Combat Sports) A boxers main attributes for a 12 round fight are aerobic endurance, muscular endurance, power, co-ordination, balance and agility. There are a lot of components that a boxer must have because it is such a demanding sport.

The athlete needs these components because he has to last 12 rounds constantly moving, punching, and getting punched. All these components are vital for a boxer because if he doesn’t have endurance he won’t last, if he doesn’t have power he won’t affect the opponent, if he doesn’t have balance he will be knocked to the floor easily, if he doesn’t have co-ordination he won’t be able to effectively land a punch on his opponent and if he doesn’t have agility he won’t be able to dodge his opponents punches.

Boxing is unique compared to sports such as cricket and rock climbing because there are a lot more vital components required to be successful at the sport. In boxing the opponent determines your fitness as well as yourself for example, if the athlete has superb endurance but takes a heavy hit to the stomach his energy and breath will decrease dramatically. It still has the common factor of competitiveness to cricket and rock climbing though.

Fitness and training are the foundation for most sports in this modern age, the key fitness and training components are aerobic endurance, muscular endurance, flexibility, speed, strength, power, body composition, agility, balance, co-ordination, and reaction time. I will now explain …

Basically, it’s important to recognise that exercises for the abdominal area are not about achieving a “six-pack. ” Being strong through the trunk is critical to developing good posture and preventing back soreness and injuries in cricket. With reference to …

Speed is the maximum rate at which a person is able to move his/her body over a certain distance. It is a production of repeated maximal contractions, usually associated with short distances, i.e. 100m sprint requires very good speed. Reaction time …

My name is Ameet Singh Johal and I am aged 16- years- old but am due to be 17 in a month or two. I roughly measure at 5’10 in height and weigh just under 11 stone. The sport I …

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