Adequate sleep and rest

The amount of sleep an individual requires varies from person to person but the average amount sleep for teenagers is 7-10 hours and for adults 7-8 hours, therefore Emma should be getting approximately 8 hours of sleep each night. Sleep plays a significant role in brain development, it prepares us and recharges our energy for the next day, and without it our cognitive skills struggle to maintain normally. Emma says that most nights she gets around 8 hours sleep, this means she is getting the average amount, she doesn’t usually feel tired in the day and can concentrate at work, this alone shows us that she is getting enough sleep.

Physical Getting enough sleep means Emma can get up, stay active and move during the day, keeping her fitter. It gives her energy to do things instead of feeling lethargic and sitting at home all day. Intellectual Having enough sleep, means Emma can concentrate better at work, she can develop her skills and knowledge because she is willing to learn and able to concentrate better at work. Emotional Getting enough sleep puts Emma in a more positive and happy mood, this means less arguments or fallouts with family and friends and generally feeling better about herself. When Emma is tired, she can become stressed, this also means her eyes begin to twitch.

Social Getting enough sleep, gives Emma the energy to go out and socialise and do things with her friends, family and boyfriend. If she didn’t get enough sleep, she might not have the energy to or juts have a negative attitude towards social activities and not get involved with them, restricting herself from seeing her friends or meeting new ones. But she does therefore she has a batter chance of making new friends and sees the friends she already has very often.

How the factors work together The factors that affect Emma’s health and well-being come together and create impact on the other factors. Stimulating work for example, provides Emma with a decent amount of income, so affecting adequate financial resources, which allows Emma to go out and socialise and make new friends, which is affecting supportive relationships and with supportive relationships Emma is less stressed and able to sleep without thinking about family problems etc, therefore affecting Adequate sleep and rest. Sleep and rest could also start off this interlinking chain between the factors; it allows her to get up in the morning and go to work and have the energy to do her job, and by doing her job she is receiving suitable income, it also provides her with the energy to go out and socialise. Socialising could also be motivated through supportive relationships along with stimulating work, because friends or family would encourage us to find a job that suits us.

Maslow Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology and physiology that Abraham Maslow created. His theory was that the first physiological needs need to be met before the level of needs after on the chart can be met. So we need the essentials to life, like air, water, food, sleep before we can get a home, insurance and a job. Once our safety needs are met, our love and belonging needs can be met by meeting friends, having partners and children. After all these are met, we can then work on our self-esteem through respect from others and achievement, at which point we can meet our self-actualisation needs.

Emma lives at home with her mum and family still, so she has a suitable home to live in, warmth and is provided with food and water by her mum. She has security within her job, giving her financial security, plus her safety at home. She has a close relationship with her family, friends and her boyfriend. Her friends, family and work colleagues respect her and she has a sense of achievement through her successful education and career.

She has confidence through her achievements in education and now her career and supportive relationships and because she has no major problems to worry about she is carefree and has the most possible freedom that is appropriate. After observing how the factors interlink and how through the hierarchy of needs, Emma’s needs are fulfilled to the maximum standard, which means her health and well-being are affected in an extremely positive way overall.

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