Ad council’s aids campaign

The Ad council AIDS campaign wasn’t successful launched the against AIDS campaign, low acceptance by the publicity due to promiscuity and mislead people to have casual sex and create thinking that use condom can be avoid risk with AIDS infection. Woman group felt the ads only emphasize responsibilities on woman but not on man and the men group suspected the credibility use of condoms may not able to prevent AIDS efficacy.

Suggested Ad council to have another AIDS campaign to targeted group on heterosexually active woman, due to woman was high involvement with sexual activities from the figured 52% having had two to five sex partners, 21% for six or more partners reported. In other hand, woman seems more acceptable the fact and able to adapt change and learning to prevent ADIS shown in case. Some supporting analysis shown and proved that female has the characteristic as following: • Higher conscious on risk • More chariness and compassion feeling

• More emotion and sentimental • More responsibility • More likely to be perpetrators of abuse as well as victims • More easy to change and adapt the new environment and behaviors Beside the abovementioned most of the males (men) are and more easily convinced by females (woman), if the woman changes attitude on sexual behaviors, most likely the men would change the attitude toward to the facts and concerns too. Recommended Solution In the case shown, woman was unsatisfied the ads prejudiced and only put woman for responsible on prevent ADIS.

To create a campaign and ads NOT to make woman feel under pressure of responsibility also offend them the nature of sexual contact. Clearly states out the statements as dangerous of AIDS, high risk and chances of getting AIDS is high involvement of sex. These issues are important to woman self relevance consequences and values. Create high awareness of negative consequences (negative psychosocial) if woman not concerns their sexual behaviors and attitude toward sexual activities, they would immediately: • Lose social status in the society.

• Lose happiness in life, due to the frequent medical check up • Lose confident in the remains rest of life time • Lose a chance to experience normal people life circle • Lose fun and no more enjoyable in sexual contact Suggest woman to more concerns and considered the “value” and “effects” of every single time of unsaved sexual contact with partner, to determine the risk to bare on, also the compensate and devote the precious valuable lifetime. Advertisement proposed The advertisement poster looks like: The poster shown Audrey Hepburn said “I love myself” and point the man to the direction toward hospital for healthy checkup.

Audrey Hepburn is super famous during the year 1953 – 1993, even now. Ad council will invite Audrey. Hepburn to take photo shoots for against AIDS posters. Audrey Hepburn is an icon during the time, and she has capabilities to influence people (female or male) to have high conscious on life and take care themselves like her. Advertisement objective: To against AIDS and to prevent HIV virus spread out, since no vaccine to cure AIDS’s infection. Specific message: Bring by famous actress Audrey Hepburn: Love yourself, to have better future!

Campaign: Invite Audrey Hepburn as a spokesman for the against AIDS campaign. Execute continuously one year non stop events, seminars and speeches in school, college, university, and business organization to talk about the negative outcome and consequence would suffer by having AIDS. Talk about knowledge to prevent AIDS, what is HIV virus, how it would spread out, and no vaccine can cure the disease. Media selection and scheduling: Television: Television advertisement show Audrey Hepburn to said “Love yourself, to have better future, this is your own lifetime! ”.

Launch this TV advertisement during 7pm to 9:30pm, because people watch TV program or new when they back home, and people also watch TV show around 8pm – 9:30pm, this is most high rate of audience timing. • Ads would show before and after 7pm new • Ads would show before and after “female cooking show” • Ads would show before, middle, and after the household serial TV program and opera. Radio: To broadcast Audrey Hepburn to said “Love yourself, to have better future, this is your own lifetime! ” during the peak time. • Earlier morning 8:30am – 9:30am (Everyone get for work for school) • Afternoon 3:00pm – 4:00pm (woman tea time).

• Night time 6:00 – 7:00 (Peak hour when people off duty back home, high broadcast audiences) Slogan of the advertisement: If you not care about yourself, who would care about you? Conclusion: By understand the theory of reasoned action, after woman determines and evaluated important of their own risk taking by having unsaved sexual contact can be spoil and damage the happiness in their lifetime. Woman is convinced and persuade to their negative attitude on sexual behaviors. After woman has change their attitude by understanding about negative effect of unsaved sexual activities.

The woman is able to influence and change the attitude and perception of man unsaved sexual behaviors too. Supporting Analysis • Woman able to accept the fact and true – Women tend to believe the scientific consensus on global warming more than men, according to a study by a Michigan State University researcher. http://www. physorg. com/news203685070. html • The woman’s brain will almost always show more active regions than the man’s…. most importantly the kind that facilitate high-risk sexual behaviors. http://www. shaktitechnology. com/sex_ascs. htm.

• “Woman wields a wonderful influence over man’s destinies,” said Woodtick William.http://www. authorma. com/remarks-b-11. html • More likely to be perpetrators of abuse as well as victims. http://news. ufl. edu/2006/07/13/women-attackers/ Bibliography: 1. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Audrey_Hepburn 2. http://www. shaktitechnology. com/sex_ascs. htm 3. http://www. physorg. com/news203685070. html.

4. http://www. avert. org/women-hiv-aids. htm 5. http://www. worldoffemale. com/are-women-superior-than-men/ 6. http://news. ufl. edu/2006/07/13/women-attackers/ 7. http://www. authorama. com/remarks-b-11. html 8. http://www. matecorner. com/archives/89546.

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