Activity evaluation

Farm visit- this consists of an organised trip with a whole class and adults to visit different types of animals, the children will need correct clothes, suited to the time of years and lunch. Permission will be asked for taking the child out to the farm, and extra help may be needed to be enlisted from the parents as well. CT will be learning to enjoy being with other people that she knows and also communicate a little with people she has not met although it would be understandable if they didn’t.

Enjoying finding out new things about the environment and other people around them. She will be learning to be able to make her own decisions about what she does and doesn’t like e. g. I like chicks. The adult with her will encourage the above and try to get her to try new things as well as looking after her welfare making sure that she is present, not tired and has had enough drink and food.

Egg heads- this consists of showing the children an egg, explaining to them about the shell, its delicate, thin etc, cracking the egg to show the children a raw (not been cooked) egg, then showing a hard boiled egg, the children are encouraged to compare the two saying what is different (wet/dry) and what is the same (colours), giving each child and egg shell (say to be careful), sticking shapes to make facial features, place cotton wool in bottom with water and have them sprinkle some cress seeds which will grow for ‘hair’.

Some children may have egg allergies so parental permission will have to be gained initially. The activity will be carried out in a small group at a time with an adult, the resources needed are: a sufficient amount of eggs, shapes or pens, cress seeds, water cotton wool and glue. The adult’s role will be to encourage the children to participate in the activities and supervise the children e. g. so they do not eat raw egg and that they wash their hands after.

She will be having the chance to play imaginatively with materials using a variety of senses. Gaining confidence in doing small tasks, which takes carefulness. Contributions to the group and others and learning that she have a role and individual characteristics within the setting. Albert Bandura’s Social Learning theory states that children learn best by copying others actions I will be showing the children what to do with the eggshells before they start so they will have an idea of what it is supposed to look like and what to do.

Pretending to be different animals- the children can mimic movements and sounds of animals, other children can try to guess what animal it is from either action or could be the one doing them. There are no additional resources that will be needed. She will be learning to be confident in what she knows she can do and beginning to try new things to build confidence. Starting to enjoy being with well-known people in her class and the adults and having encouraging relationships.

Listening and responding appropriately, making playful and serious responses. Learning about the environment and other people and having the chance to play creatively. The adults involvement will to make sure that the children do not get over exited and run and hurt themselves, to give the children ideas of what animal they could be, to give them clues of how they can act the animal and helping the children to guess what other children are doing.

I’ve lost my mum! – The children have a pack of the specially made cards; the ‘mother’ animal cards are laid out on the table or floor, the adult holds up a card from the ‘baby’ animals and say that its lost its mum, using different voices to keep the child interested, using names such as calf, kitten, hen, duckling, etc so the child gets used to the language and know what they are. The game could also involve what noise the animal makes and where they live.

This game could also be adapted to be played with two children in the same way making the children think about where the matching card is rather than immediately knowing that it will be in front of them. The child will be learning to take pleasure in being with others, valuing the contributions they provide and to have a role and uniqueness in the setting. The role of the adult with this game is to supervise the game and generally run it, to inform the children of how to play and what the rules are, to play with them, to encourage language use and to expand the game as to what they see fit for the child/ren.

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