Acquiring Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

We, as a troop men, my colleagues travel around the world, to experience the life and culture of every people in the world, the most memorable and most traumatic for us is staying in Afghanistan and Iraq. Both of this two stated countries is said to be the most critical yet harsh to stay or live in. This is because both of these identified countries are committed to war. From the seven (7) months of reside in Afghanistan primarily June of 2005 to January 2006 and almost also seven (7) months of stays in Iran primarily August 2007 to April 2008, we, the troops, experiences many traumatic events that truly changed our normal living.

After we live in the traumatic world of these identified countries, many of us have accumulated some of the clinical manifestations of having a one of a kind disorder. Our physician called this disorder as POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER. This kind of disorder is made when a person is exposed to one or more startling events accompanied by a severe physical harm or the person experiences to be threatened.

This events may include death of his or her loved one, experiences serious physical injury or it can be a threat to his or her physical and psychological integrity to appoint that he or she cannot cope with the situation or cannot uses his or her defense mechanism. With all of these information that we gathered, some of us then somewhat agree to the Medical Diagnosis that is given by our physician. Since this medical diagnosis of our physician is a new one for us, our curiosity increases, with these occurrences we preferred our self to search on this new information that deals with our health.

As we search from the web, there are identified causes or reasons of having a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and these are the following: neuroendocrinology, neuroanatomy and genetics. These three (3) identified information above shows a significant relationship of having this identified disorder. As a person who committed to combat troops, it is our responsibility and we’re obliged to penetrate and experience chaotic yet traumatic war events. It is very undeniable for us troops to experience a traumatic events like of death of our colleagues or being tortured by our enemies.

With this kind of events that truly penetrate not just in our physical health but also it penetrates to our emotional health that is greatly affects our mind and how we live in future. In every time that we’re in the field, were all the bombs explodes just near us, with all the sound of guns that always tickle in our ears, with all the shouts of our troop men saying “help! ”, this kind of scenarios truly affects our daily living. Even through our sleep and rest pattern, it always reminds of that traumatic scenarios.

Sometimes we find our self in the middle of the night, crying with no known reasons, it might be a sense of fear and frighten of the future head on the field. Later on our stay here in these identified countries, we generate a symptoms of having an insomnia. With this kind of symptoms, it is very hard for us to stay asleep because it always reminds of the traumatic events that we may experience during that day or scenarios that made mark to us as very traumatic events. Each time that we heard a bomb like sounds during our sleep, we always wake up and start to cry. I know that these are an insane one for us troop, but in reality, this is true.

Post traumatic stress disorder is a disorder that occur due to anxiety as a result of exposure to any terrifying or shocking event(s). Post trauma stress disorder is a continues, ongoing and severe emotional reaction of a severe psychological or …

The causes of this disorder can include any kind of sexual abuse, physical or emotional abuse, threat to the life of the prospect or to any person close to him/her, exposure to any accident, exposure to fierce incidents like wars, …

A popular anxiety disorder is the Post Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This is where people who encounter a very traumatic experience, does not recover. An example is the ‘shell shock’ disorder where comrades experienced trauma and shock during the First …

Post – Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD) is an anxiety disorder and the causative factor can be after one is subjected to a scaring event. The effects of this disease may change as the disease matures, to making the victim feel …

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