Aconite Root and the Shaolin Temple

The Shaolin Temple Monks are world famous for being dedicated to there intense martial arts training regiments since the fifth century. They believed in the essential combination of mind, body and soul to enhance the life of a buddhist monk. They prayed to the different gods, so that they would bless their souls and keep them safe. The monks would meditate for hours on end in order to keep there mind sharp, in focus and aware. Finally they pushed the body, training them to overcome extreme temperatures, they stretch their muscles so that they were more flexible then any humans before them and they define the very laws of the human body.

However to keep up with this intense lifestyle they needed to supplement with it different formulas of medications. They used herbs and plants that are still being used 1600 years later. The Shaolin Temple Sports Injury and Arthritis Patch is one these formulas. The patch is specially formulated with a variety of herbal medicines used by ancient Shaolin Monks to combat bruises and injuries they would sustain during their rigorous workout regimes. For years the medicines were studied and in today’s day and age, modern science has made these medicines easier to take as well as more convenient.

Simply take the patch and directly place it on the part of the body that aches or pains. The company claims that it will invigorate blood circulation, relax muscles, help soothe the pain and inflammation of traumatic injuries, sprains and arthritis and speed recovery. It is non-prescription and is available over the internet and at some specialty chinese medicine stores. The main ingredient found in the patch is Fu Zi, better known as Aconite Root. Aconite Root is a pain reliever that is found in Chinese and Western medicines alike.

It is said to have a numbing effect on the nerves which make them virtually insensitive to temperature, pain and touch. Scientists have discovered that Aconite root contains three groups of naturally occurring compounds called alkaloids(Aconitine, Picraconitine (benzoylaconine), and Aconine). Anesthesiologists and Pain management researchers have found these alkaloids to be long lasting and effective to relieve pain. In addition it has been used as a sedative and fever reducer.

Not until recently, has the Aconite Root been replaced in Western Medicine. Due to technological advances, safer more effective drugs have been formulated with the same benefits. The negative side of the Aconite root is that it is extremely toxic and if not prepared properly then it could be lethal. The root may slow the heart down to dangerously low levels causing major heart complications. The second ingredient found in the patch is Nux Vomica(Strychnos), an ingredient commonly found in homeopathy.

It is reported that Nux Vomica aids in unblocking channels, reducing swelling and alleviating pain. In addition, it is said that the plant can be used to treat abdominal pain, constipation and respiratory diseases in the elderly. Similar to the Aconite root, Nux Vomica is also an alkaloid. Scientists have discovered that Strychnine, the main alkaloid in Nux vomica, increases the flow of gastric juice, that rapidly enter the intestines and affect different systems in the body including the cardiovascular and central nervous systems.

In today’s western medicine, we almost never see Nux Vomica being used due to the dangerous effects if not administered properly. The 3rd ingredient found in the patch is Peppermint, which has been used for thousands of years as a way to calm the body, reduce pain and to enhance memory. It can ingested, be used as a topical treatment or used in Aroma therapy. Studies have shown that Peppermint is an effective remedy for the treatment of Irritital bowel Syndrome. Though some scientists believe that it can cause liver disease, others argue that it protects and strengthens the liver.

In today’s modern medicine we have found a way to link the age old science of Chinese healing with the scientific methodologies of a Western Culture. Both have given fresh insight on how to heal, treat and even cure some of the most common and uncommon diseases of our time. The Shaolin Temple Pain and Arthritis Patch has successfully blended both cultures into an innovative product that has the technology and effectiveness of a modern western medicine, while still upholding the integrity of the Plants natural healing powers.

Works Cited Aconite Root I went to a website called skidoo. com which gave me a general overview of the product, which interested me as i have been very involved with the Shaolin Temple for most of my life. The website looked like it provided accurate information because it cited studies and other scientfical procedure that backed up their claims. I googled these studies to learn more about the Aconite Root.

The study that i read through was: Anesthesiology. 2007 July; 107(1): 82-90., Bulleyaconitine A isolated from Aconitum plant displays long-acting local anesthetic properties in vitro and in vivo, Chi-Fei Wang, MD, Peter Gerner, MD, Sho-Ya Wang, PhD, and Ging Kuo Wang, PhD The reality was i couldn’t understand the majority of the science, so with the power of the internet i researched what an alkaloid was and how it was used in the body to get a better understanding. For this i went to Wikipedia because i believed that it was a general, very basic concept that I didn’t need to pursue any further. Nux Vomica This also started off on skidoo. com.

I was reading a lot about it but they really didn’t go to in depth. I then went to the source that they sited and skimmed through the research. J Ethnopharmacol. 2003 Oct;88(2-3):205-14. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of brucine and brucine N-oxide extracted from seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica. Yin W, Wang TS, Yin FZ, Cai BC. The research was more comprehensive and talked about how the medicines affected the central and peripheral nervous system in reducing pain and sensation. On the sidebar I read through another study 2. Assays of homeopathic remedies in rodent behavioral and psychopathological models.

Paolo Bellavite, Paolo Magnani, Marta Marzotto, Anita Conforti Homeopathy. 2009 October; 98(4): 208–227 This research went into the homeopathic history of the drug but was very hard to understand so i just read the abstract. To get more information i went to “A Modern Herbal | Nux Vomica. ” Herbal Information, Organic Herbs, Gardening Supplies. Web. 15 Sept. 2011. http://www. botanical. com/botanical/mgmh/n/nuxvom08. html This put the Plant in more simple terms so i could understand its effects a lot better. Peppermint This was the last ingredient that I researched. It to started on but offered little to no information about it, it only said that it was in the product.

I went to the Sources read through 10. Clin J Pain. 2002 May-Jun;18(3):200-2. A novel treatment of postherpetic neuralgia using peppermint oil. Davies SJ, Harding LM, Baranowski AP. This gave me new insight on how the herb was ingested in the body and it talked a lot about the aromatic effects peppermint has. I wanted to learn more of its effects and I found out among other things, that peppermint has been frequently studied by anthropologists because of its long history. For this information i went to Britannica online and wikipedia.

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