Holistic medicine vs modern medicine

The debate of what type of medicine to use has been going on for hundreds of years. What is better for us to use holistic remedies or conventional medicine? What is safer for us to use? Most importantly what is going to work best to make us better? Exploring each side to see how they are different and how they are the same is the only way to answer these questions. Holistic and modern medicines are both effective healing methods, choosing the right one for you or a combination of both is the more difficult decision you will make.

Holistic medicine has been around for about 2400 years and was widely used and accepted all over the world. Holistic medicine originated in China and in India first and quickly spread to many other places. It has roots all the way to Hippocrates who was the first to do some of the studies for holistic medicine. Some of the first things that were found about Holistic medicine were the similar law. This was the study showed that plants, animals, and minerals that caused the same symptoms you were experiencing would also be able to get rid of those symptoms.

What we know as modern medicine originated in Western Europe and traveled to the Americas in the 18th century. Modern medicine grew especially fast in the 19th century because the first microorganism was seen through a microscope. Some of the first discoveries for modern medicine were how bacteria spoiled beer and wine. The process of pasteurization was created from that discovery. Then the rabies vaccination was discovered after a short time by Ecole Normale. The study of the cause of diseases was what modern medicine started with.

The Holistic method for treating the flu is the use natural elements such as an extract called black elderberry. This is only recommended for the first three days, but after that they feel it would not be as beneficial. Modern medicine believes in medicine for nausea to treat the flu. The other way they both believe works best is to just let it run its course. To prevent it you could get the vaccination or you can take vitamins to keep your immune system strong. The Modern method is to take medicine for fever, congestion, keep yourself hydrated, and anti-nausea medication.

The preferred method of treatment is to just let it run its course. To prevent the flu it is recommended that you get the vaccination, wash your hands frequently, and make sure you keep your immune system healthy. The treatments that are used in holistic are safe and determined by your lifestyle. The holistic doctors ask questions about your lifestyle to determine the root of the problem instead of just looking at the surface of the problem. Instead of just getting tested for the symptoms that are present in modern medicine, holistic medicine concentrates on the root of the problem.

When you are treated with holistic treatments they are all natural produced from animals, mineral, and herbs so there are believed to be less risks with them. They can cause other problems since holistic treatments is not always medication there are certain things that you should avoid when you have certain conditions such as if you have osteoporosis you should avoid massage therapy and chiropractic therapy. Sometimes you need to combine both holistic medicine and conventional medicine to feel completely better and because they can complement each other and make you feel better by working together.

The treatments for modern medicine are also safe but they also have more risks associated with the medications. There are a wide variety of side effects to the medications that are available for us to take. For example anti-nausea medication can cause dry mouth, drowsiness, confusion, and fatigue to name a few. Some medications can have more serious side effects and should be discussed with your health care provider before taking any new medication. Depending on the treatments you are getting whether it is medicine for an illness or pain or if you are going for surgery of any kind there are always risks that go along with it.

As long as you take the medication as directed it is better for you. You can go for physical therapy to workout muscle problems or nerve problems if necessary. As with everything there are risks with every treatment you get or take but as long as you are taking the medication as directed and follow the instructions for the other treatments there is less of a risk of you having most of the worst side effects. The benefits of holistic medicine are you get to research the root of the problem by going through your diet, lifestyle, and habits to see what is causing the problems.

Holistic medicine is for you as a whole person because it tries to learn what will help you, body and mind. If you keep getting sick with the same thing over and over then you may need to change something in your diet and holistic medicine can help you find what it is. Another benefit is that the treatments are all natural. When you get medicine from a holistic doctor then you know that it was either made from an animal, mineral, or herb which means it is safer than most other remedies. The benefits of modern medicine are that you can get fast treatment and things that can help you for short term fixes.

You can get medicine for just about any problem you have with modern medicine. The biggest benefits I have found in modern medicine are the vaccinations for the many diseases that are going around in the world today. The vaccinations are constantly improving and making it easier to avoid getting things like chicken pox. It is amazing how fast modern medicine is coming up with vaccinations and treatments for things that were thought to be unpreventable or untreatable.

Holistic and modern medicines are both effective healing methods, choosing the right one for you or a combination of both is the more difficult decision you will make. Though they use different methods for treatment they are both safe and effective. Holistic medicine treats you as a whole and modern medicine offers fast and safe treatment. When you are trying to make a decision about what type of treatment to use or whether you should try some of both you need to think about if you need fast treatment or if you would like to dig deeper and see if you can find a natural cure for your problem.

The debate of what type of medicine to use has been going on for hundreds of years. What is better for us to use holistic remedies or conventional medicine? What is safer for us to use? Most importantly what is …

With the first written record in approximately 2600 B. C. , (datesandevents. org) modern medicine is comparatively new to health care, when compared side-by-side to holistic medicine. Holistic medicine, also called homeopathy and integrative medicine, has been in practice since …

There is always lots of talk and discussion about the difference between conventional veterinary medicine and holistic veterinary medicine. Conventional medicine has been around for many years whereas holistic medicine is recently becoming a big thing that pet owners are …

There is always lots of talk and discussion about the difference between conventional veterinary medicine and holistic veterinary medicine. Conventional medicine has been around for many years whereas holistic medicine is recently becoming a big thing that pet owners are …

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