A Training Programme

A training programme can be used to improve general fitness and skill in a sport. The training programme can be adapted to suit the user. Using the programme over a period of time will increase the fitness of the user. When making the training programme, a number of aspects need to be considered. These include FITT. F – Frequency – How often should the user exercise? The frequency could be increased by increasing the number of sessions each week. I – Intensity – How hard should the person exercise? Increasing the workout each week.

T – Time – How long should each session last for? Increasing the duration. Working for a longer period of time to increase the fitness of the user. T – Training Activity – What exercises and other activities will help the user achieve their fitness goals? This would help work different muscles and make the program enjoyable for the user. There are various different training methods, which could be used depending on the activity that the user is training for. The six that are mostly used are circuit training, weight training, Fartlek training, interval training, continuous training and pressure training.

Weight training Weight training is designed to increase strength. Many activities require some form of strength and weight training. Weight training can be used to increase muscle strength and improve muscle tone. To improve muscle tone, performers can use repetitions and sets. Other weight training methods include isotonic training, isokinetic training and isometric training. Weight training not only improves muscular strength but also endurance, muscle tone and posture. Weight training increases muscle size, bone density and the metabolism rate.

Fartlek training This is based on changes of speed. You can use it for things like running, cycling and skiing. You can overload by increasing times, speeds or the difficulty of the terrain. For example running uphill or through sand. This improves aerobic and ana Interval training This is very similar to fartlek training. This involves fixed patterns of fast and slow. You can use it for things like running and swimming. Each repetition of the pattern is called a rep. You must complete a set of reps before you can take a test. Overload by doing more reps or sets or both, or by spending less time on slow work and resting.

Continuous Training Continuous training involves long, slow, distance exercise at a constant rate without rest. At first the training should only be at 60% maximum heart rate. At first the training should be at only 60% maximum heart rate and progressing to 85% maximum heart rate as fitness improves and the distance involved is also increased. Continuous training also improves aerobic fitness and increases metabolic rate.

Pressure Training Also known as Circuit Training. Pressure training involves a combination of skills and fitness. A skill is performed continually until the individual becomes more and more tired and with practise the skill level is performed. This is god for footballers and basketball players. The training session Every training session has three parts. The warm-up, the training activity and the cool down.

The warm up Warm ups and cool downs are essential for every sports activity. They are very important in preventing injury. Introduction I have been asked to plan a training programme for a particular sport over a period of six weeks. Each session should be 45 minutes each. I am going to design the training programme for football. I have chosen football as this is not a sport I know a lot about and would like to find out more and improve my skills. The training programme would improve my fitness and also my skills. I will also use the weights room for some of the sessions, as we are fortunate to have the weight room facility as I can use weight training to increase muscle strength and tone. To improve I must use repetitions and sets. We have a selection of weight training equipment available.

Weight training is easy to tell what load you are using, it’s easy to increase the load, it’s easy to work on different muscle groups to suit the specific sport. Football is a sport that requires strength in all major body parts with particular emphasis on the shoulder girdle, back, hips, and legs. It is also a sport where most injuries are caused by too-tight and inflexible muscles, so stretching and flexibility routines are extremely important, not only to help avoid those injuries, but also to improve agility and speed. A football player, whatever position he plays, needs quickness and power.

I will take down results after every test to monitor my progress. I am going to include two fitness tests in my training programme. These include the Bleep test and the Cooper Run. I will perform them at the beginning and the end of the six weeks to see if I have improved. I am going to include weight training and certain exercises that can help including a football assault course that I will be carrying out in week 6.

Training Methods Circuit Training Circuit training is a method of training. A circuit usually has 8 to 15 stations, where at each station a different exercise is carried out for a certain amount of time. Circuit training can improve muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, aerobic fitness, muscular strength, speed and agility, depending on what stations you have. Circuit training A circuit-training program may also be designed for a certain sport. Circuits for this purpose will include exercises to improve all the muscles and skills associated with the sport. Example: A circuit training program for football should include skills

Like jumping, kicking or dribbling. The good reasons to include Circuit training can include a big variety of exercises, which makes it fun. It is also very adaptable. You can design a circuit to develop one or more aspects of fitness, or to suit a sport. It is an efficient way to use training time. The circuit can be indoors or outdoors. I will try to include all the principles of training in my training programme Principles of training Specificity My training programme is for football and it is based over a six-week period. The exercises are specifically suited to what is needed to play football. The training programme is specified for an outfield player, as there are no goalkeeping skills involved in this circuit.

An individual who wants to improve in a given sport should train in order to improve. This could mean exercising the body and muscles, practising skills for a certain sport or just simply playing the sport more often. One way …

I have been asked to plan a training programme for a particular sport over a period of six weeks. I decided to design the training programme for football. The training programme would improve my cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance and a …

Specificity- we must train for our own particular sport, and on specific areas of our body in relation to our sport. We need to use a training programme that puts regular stress on the muscle groups we are concerned with. …

I will be designing a six-week personal exercise programme specifically for pre season football. I currently play football for the school 1st XI. I do also enjoy playing many other sports such as cricket, badminton and athletics, which I participate …

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