A Balanced Diet

Meat, poultry, fish, cheese and eggs also beans, nuts seeds and bread contain protein. Proteins provide the body with material for growth and repair. If dietary protein is inadequate health will fail, growth will be slow and malnutrition may occur. Carbohydrates Bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes, rice, fruit and milk are good sources of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates provide the body with energy which is used for physical movement, growth and also aid the digestion of other foods.

Fats Found in butter, cheese, meat, nuts, olive oil, fish oil and vegetable oil. Fats help the body conserve body heat. Fats, sugars and oils should form the smallest part of a child’s diet. They provide energy and growth. Cache Diploma in Child Care and Education A Balanced Diet Vitamins Vitamins are also necessary for health and development. Vitamin A – found in milk, cheese, carrots and tomatoes. It is essential for vision and healthy skin. A deficiency in vitamin A leads to an inability to see in dim light.

B Vitamins – Found in meat, green vegetables, eggs and fish they are needed for muscle function and blood formation. Vitamin C – found in tomatoes, oranges, kiwi and grapefruit. It promotes the healing process. A fruit or vegetable which is high in vitamin C should be included in the children’s diet every day. A deficiency can cause scurvy, wounds will be slow to heal and gums may bleed. Vitamin D- Found in some butter, milk and oily fish. It can also be absorbed into the skin if exposed to sunlight. It’s essential for the growth of bones and teeth. Many diets don’t contain sufficient vitamin D during period of rapid growth so exposure to sunlight vital, a deficiency can lead to the bones not forming properly as the body cannot absorb calcium if there is a deficiency.

Vitamin E – Found in egg yolk , nuts, seeds and oils. It protects the cells in the body from damage and also plays a part in the function of the brain. Vitamin K – Found in green vegetables, liver and whole grains it is made by bacteria in the intestine it is used to help the blood to clot. A balanced diet must also include minerals to ensure the child stays healthy. Iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, sulphur, fluoride, iodine are all needed for the bones to grow and to regulate fluid balance as well as the control of muscles, nerves and to provide the body with energy.

Children who have a vitamin or mineral deficiency can be supplemented with vitamin and mineral drops.At the nursery we all work together as part of a team. We work together to review our polices, procedures and codes of practice regulary. We value and respect each other and learn from each others experiences, as we all have different preferences, values and skills. We believe the importance of working in a team is vital to establish the correct environment. Our teamwork creates a pleasant atmosphere to work in and for the children to be part of.

It is important that we all work together to ensure the children in our care receive the highest standard of care and to ensure we can respond to the needs of all children and families in the nursery. All staff are offered on-going in-house training to develop their skills and understanding further. Some people within our team have many years experience behind them whilst others are at the beginning of their career, we value the range of ideas which they put forward and build on each others strengths. When children see adults are happy and have respect for one another this will have an effect on the way they conduct themselves. Bandura’s social learning theory suggests: “Children model their behaviour on the behaviour of adult’s around them”

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