8-week exercise programme

Throughout my 8-week exercise programme I aimed to improve my personal fitness in specific areas applicable to netball, which were speed, cardiovascular endurance, and muscular endurance. I also aimed to stick to an 8-week training programme designed by myself that took place either in the gym or outside. And also a healthier diet, by cutting out all snacks. To improve my fitness in netball the components I choose were sufficient as they all helped improve my fitness level in specific areas applicable to netball.

To improve my level of fitness in these components I used a number of different methods of training. For my cardiovascular endurance I used continuous training and because I did not exceed 60% of my workload I improved my energy levels over a longer period of time so this particular method of training was sufficient. For cardiovascular endurance I choose a different method of training which was interval training, this was appropriate as my exercise periods were punctuated with short rests so I did not overload myself.

For my final component, which was muscular endurance, I also choose interval training but this was in the form of circuit training, my circuits consisted of push-ups sit-ups and occasionally pull-ups. As the component I choose was endurance one I focused on repetitions which over the weeks did prove to be a successful method of training. Throughout my 8-week training programme I also focused on two principles of training which were suitable for the aims of my PEP (personal exercise programme).

I choose specificity, which was important, as one of my aims was to improve my fitness levels in specific areas in netball. I also focused on progressive overload, as this is a gradual increase in workload, which leads to physical adaptation, which is what I needed, as my aim was to improve my fitness, my body needs to adapt to the demands. Unfortunately my PEP turned out to be unsuccessful as after the 7th week of my exercise programme I went on holiday. I became ill and had to see a doctor while I was abroad I was suffering with bronchitis.

Bronchitis is an infection in the lungs either caused by a virus or bacterium. The infection causes inflammation of the lung tissue and has symptoms such as A dry cough White or light yellow phlegm Pain in middle of chest Sore muscles  Breathing difficulty  Queezing Bronchitis lasts for days or even weeks depending on the cause or severity. As I suffered from all of the above symptoms the doctor issued me with an inhaler, anti-biotic and a cough syrup.

To overcome my bronchitis I was told to drink fluids, get plenty of rest, and only take part in light exercise and to avoid smoke. So when I came back I was unable to finish my final week of my PEP. I attempted to test myself to see if I had improved, but I could not complete the tests as I was suffering chest pains and had difficulty breathing. On the positive side some of my aims were achieved during the first Seven weeks but as I was ill I was still unable to achieve my aims completely. Due to my injury I could not see if my PEP was successful or not, as it was not completed fully.

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