Сommunal health care

The state may decide to offer communal health services by forcing her citizens to buy health insurance shares or to have a mandatory insurance scheme to her citizens. The Canadian government has implemented communal health care by passing legislative bills concerning the health care system. In addition to that the state participates through regulation and use of taxpayers’ money to provide the drugs, facilities and doctors. Another way of government participations is through methods of funding the system. Some of the funding models involve sponsoring and controlling health care.

In other word the federal government of Canada funds the provincial administration to provide the health services to all without charging anything to the patients. Therefore, the state does not bill services provided to either the insurance bodies or the patients. This reduces the federal administrative costs. The government of Canada prefers a communal or all-inclusive health care system. Therefore, the government provides the health care through state funding using tax payers’ money. The US government prefers to use a private-public system. In US, system only 84 percents are insured.

Therefore, US do not have a universal health system as opposed to Canada that is a sole player in controlling health system. The federal government of Canada is the one that subsidize the regional or provincial government for health services meant for public and not private hospitals. A relatively sole player system is not socialized medication but social indemnity system that can cater for all people because practitioners are also found in private sector (Ewe E Reinhart). Going on, the Canadian government has a collective health plan but it does not cater for all services.

Some of theses services include non-cosmetic dental concern for anybody above 15 years of age. Again, prescription drugs are not well thought-out. According to the former boss of Canadian Medical Association, Dr. Albert Schumacher, “There is provision of 75 percents of the Canadian health care services privately but funded publicly. ” Although, the government of Canada offers a collective health system, access to regular doctors is still a problem. This is because of failure of the patients to contact their respective practitioners.

Again, the government of Canada has been slightly slow in implementing expensive technology and drugs. On the other hand, in US there is no provision of a universal health care apart from set up organizations to cater for the poor, children, the veterans and other survivors. This is according to the Canadian health survey data, (2003, 32). The American government is the only developed state that does not have some structure of universal health care system even though; it spends more per capita worldwide . THE POSITION AND ACHIEVEMENT OF ANY STATE OFFERING THIS KIND OF HEALTH SERVICES

After analyzing a state that offers universal health services, I have decided to use Canada as my example since it has tried to offer full universal health services. However, there is a room for private hospitals. Private hospitals in Canada cater for those who feel that they do not get the necessary attention in public hospitals. Therefore, this enables the private hospitals to meet the satisfactions of their esteemed clients. For example, the health care system in Canada is highly funded by the government, but it is ironical that most services that are reliable to the people are provided by private enterprises.

The main achievement is that the government of Canada has managed to provide a communal health care system through federal and provincial administration. In addition to that, Canadians have privileged life span as compared to Americans and lesser infant death rates. However, according to statistics by Canadians institute for health information, Canada has a smaller number of doctors per capita than US. Health results, improvements and expectancy may be better and accessible IN Canada than would be in America. (Gonden H. G. 2007).

Gonden was able to compare various ailments such as malignant cancer, cardiovascular diseases, operational problems and other complicated diseases for the two nations. From his magnificent work, the outcomes for patients in Canada were smart. Actually, the cause for the above-mentioned differences in health care provision and diversion between these two states is because; Canada was able to introduce a publicly funded medical system that was easily adapted. Again; the government of Canada is able to pass her legislative bills with a lot of ease

According to the article by Paul Ramsey (2003), “Facts on Private Versus Public Healthcare” the advantage of public health care and services is the provision of standard health care for all while the demerit of private health care system is provision of quality care of those who can afford. One of the current positions of state health funding is that there is slow implementation of the latest technologies in their operations. This universal occupation of services might complicate the outcomes for the patients or nurses such as nurse burnout.

(Ryan Somers, a [PDF] on the public-private Debate) According to the Australian Government article on health and aging, (National Hospital Cost Data Collection Cost Report Round 6 (2001-02) Public hospitalization is free of charge beside quality health care but not all people can have access to doctors. Therefore, the government needs to improve her services. When the issue of fiscal year and the prices of health care are analyzed in Canada, it seems that health care is the most expensive sector to fund for the nation.

Although Canada has managed to provide all inclusive health care and services, there is still a problem because many people have to queue for long waiting for admission. Therefore, there are delayed medical services especially at the voluntary surgical departments. According to the study by Commonwealths Fund, “around 23. 78% waited for more than 4 hrs in tragedy rooms. ” This is also available on a letter written to the Wall Street journal; Robert S. Bell. Long waiting for admission in the emergency rooms is what makes the Canadians to prefer private hospitals due to dissatisfaction in the public domain beside other factors.

The system of health care delivery in Canada has been used to criticize system in U. S health care reform plans. A major concern of the paper is to compare and contrast health care systems between U. S and Canada. …

Health care system is a combination of network providers, institutions and insurers. In fact private institutions in Canada deliver the health care. However, the delivery system linked with health insurance system. The health insurance system public funded i. e. it …

The main purpose for health care for all is to provide medical services to the entire citizens without discriminations. The government offer health services on minimum cost in order to enhance equal quality health services and medical care for all. …

“To provide an effective and just health care system and to forestall societal strains caused by the aging Baby Boomers, a Canadian-style government-sponsored, one-payer universal health insurance system should be instituted”. Currently in the United States, there is a widespread healthcare …

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