Your Medical Fingerprint in Just a Click

I. Digital Medical Records: Instant Access for Healthcare Optimal healthcare relies on a comprehensive medical record that can easily be updated, retrieved and analyzed as a vital tool in diagnosis, disease management, and check-ups. Improving the quality of healthcare for patients is the main driving force behind the incorporation of computer-based medical records in this practice office. This new system cuts across the very long paper trail associated with the paper-based medical records, overcoming the problems of consolidation of various types of medical records and the constraints of space to maximize efficiency.

Patients can now obtain their medical records instantly so that their doctors may use these for their care and health management. II. Contributing to Your Personal Health Record The computer-based system allows patients to have more control over their healthcare through the Personal Health Record, which is “an Internet-based system that allows consumers to store, access, and coordinate their health information”. A constant review of updated information will be implemented through references in the Master Patient Index and/or in the paper chart itself.

This system of reference enforced in both the paper-based and computer-based records will uphold the safety and integrity of the patients’ records (http://www. ahima. org/hipsweek/HIPSdownloads/HIPAA_pro. pdf#page%3D1). III. Regulated Access for Ensuring Your Privacy Patients are protected from threats to their privacy through the HIPAA Privacy Rule. It is stated here that “covered entities may use or disclose protected health information from existing databases or repositories for research purposes only when individual authorization or a waiver of individual authorization is present” (http://healthprivacy.answers. hhs. gov/).

Maximizing efficiency through making a comprehensive medical record instantly available while providing privacy and security is the thrust of the computerized program.


HIPAA FAQs. Retrieved June 22, 2009. Web site: http://healthprivacy. answers. hhs. gov/. The top 10 privacy and security challenges in the EHR transistion. Retrieved June 20, 2009. Web site: http://www. ahima. org/hipsweek/HIPSdownloads/HIPAA_pro. pdf#page%3D1

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EMR is paper less which reduces a lot of hard work that is done in maintaining the records over paper. It is very much easy to fill as compared to the traditional paper based records. Paper based records are difficult …

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