Working heart rates

These are my results in graph form to show the comparison of the working heart rates of each session. The graph shows that on the first training session my working heart rate was really high and then decreased dramatically for the second session. The third session gradually increased my working heart rate and at the forth session it was at the highest before slightly falling in the fifth session. At the final circuit training session my working heart rate was fairly low and at the continuous training it was slightly higher as I found that more difficult.

Fitness Test Results after Training (26.04.06) The NCF Abdominal Curl Conditioning Test – 4 minutes, 38 seconds. I have improved by almost 2 minutes, which shows that my training had a good effect on my abdominal muscles. The NCF Multistage Fitness Test (Bleep Test) – 6.1. I have improved from stage 5 so my cardiovascular fitness has improved. The Harvard Step Test – 3 minutes. I improved by 32 seconds, which isn’t as much as I hoped but it still shows that the training improved my muscular endurance at some extent. Illinois Agility Run – 10.91 seconds. I improved by 0.18 seconds, which shows that the fitness training improved my agility.

Evaluation My Circuit Training has improved my general fitness in all aspects as my results from the fitness tests show how much progress I have made when they are compared with the fitness tests taken before the training. I have improved my Cardiovascular Fitness, Muscular Endurance, Muscular Strength, Flexibility, and agility so I have achieved my goals to improve these components of my general fitness. I used all the FITT principles and the principles of training to plan my training and my aims so I included everything we have learnt, which was useful and beneficial to my PEP. Also, it was a really good feeling when I found the fitness tests after the training much easier and feeling that my hard work had paid off, I could feel the difference that the last 6 weeks had made on my body.


I really enjoyed doing my PEP and I would do it again as it had a positive effect on my body, both physically and mentally. If I did it again, I wouldn’t change much, except make sure I had a good order of stations in my circuit and also have more determination in the endurance test and the Bleep test to keep going, because I think I probably could have got a bit further. My circuit could be easily adapted to someone else as all the circuit stations are just for general fitness so for someone else, they would simply change the exercises and maybe the number of times each one is carried out, for there own individual needs as the training needs to be specific.

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