Wonders of herbal therapy

When the body does not receive sufficient nutrition, humans experience various types of aches and pains including emotional disorders that can begin to appear. By using herbs to restore a nutritional balance, the body is equipped with what it needs to overcome illness and therefore regain health. A. Ganoderma One of the herbs that worked and withstood the test of time from ancient China is known as the wonder mushroom or the Ganoderma Lucidum by its scientific name. As a matter of fact, Chinese medical professionals have recognized this as the highest ranked of all herbs found in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

The Chinese name for Ganoderma is Lingzhi that means “spiritual potency”. On the other hand, Ganoderma by its Japanese name is Reishi and is regarded as the King of Herbs. The benefits of Ganoderma can be wide and varied. It primarily works on the body at a cellular level concentrating on cardiovascular benefits, anti-inflammatory effects, immune benefits, blood sugar balance, liver protection, oxygenation and the list never stops. It is wise to remember that Ganoderma is aimed to work on the benefits of a healthy body but not on the disease.

Promoting natural immune system helps in balancing the body and in turn treats itself for a wide range of health problems. It has a harmonizing effect where antioxidants neutralize free radicals of normal cellular respiration and metabolism. Inasmuch as Ganoderma provides maximum health benefits, it can be a source for prevention of free radicals that may cause cancer and cell degeneration. B. Spirulina The book wisely quotes Hippocrates who said, “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food. ”

Arthrospira platensis, commonly known as spirulina, is a filamentous cyanobacteria whose cells capture the energy of the sun and photosynthetically produce over 100 nutrients. The name Spirulina is derived from the Greek word “spira” denoting its open left-hand helical shape, a symbol of infinity. Spirulina is 100% natural and a highly nutritious micro salt water plant. This spiral shaped algae is a rich food source. For centuries, this algae has constituted a significant part of the diet of many communities. Since the 1970? s, Spirulina has been well known and widely used as a dietary supplement. It contains rich vegetable protein higher than fish or beef and vitamin B12 higher than animal liver.

It contains too a wide range of minerals including Iron, Potassium, Magnesium Sodium, Phosphorus, Calcium etc. Spirulina is a total food with antioxidant, antiviral, and immune-stimulation effect regarded as the most ideal food for mankind. Conclusion Herbal medicine is medicine made from different parts of plants. They have become very popular in modern times. Some of these herbal medicines can be helpful while others can be harmful. I would believe that there are different opinions on the efficacy of herbal therapy that can range from complete skepticism to full confidence in the healing properties of herbs.

While some herbs serve as the basis for a number of Western medications, other herbs do not as yet have the backing of scientific proof. Still, there are many people who claim to have found relief from various ailments using herbs after receiving little or no relief from modern medicine. Hence, it would be safe to say that trying something new for a change is good but with proper guidance and knowledge. I know that soldiers would appreciate to read this book because of the ability to live and work in farflung stations where plants abound as sources of food.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 80 percent of the population of some Asian and African countries presently use herbal medicine for some aspect of primary health care. Whilw United States and Europe have shown that the herbs use …

This chapter includes the review of foreign and local related literatures, which is relevant to the effectiveness of herbal medicines as multivitamins. The appeal of herbal medicine to people caught the researchers’ in sights to have further review about this …

Many of us are unfamiliar with the existing nontraditional health care practices. We may have heard about a certain health care practice that continues to cure some of the illnesses today. Some people still hold on to faith that these …

This chapter includes the review of foreign and local related literatures, which is relevant to the effectiveness of herbal medicines as multivitamins. The appeal of herbal medicine to people caught the researchers’ in sights to have further review about this …

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