Women with Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that presents with hyperglycemic blood sugar levels that persist more than normal. The cause of such high blood glucose level is relative or absolute deficiency in the blood level of insulin. It presents with effects similar to inability to use glucose, and the detrimental effects of hyperglycemia. It can be diabetes type diabetes mellitus 1, type 11 diabetes mellitus or even gestational diabetes.

Of these types, type 1 has been said to be immune mediated, related to destruction of beta cells of the Islet of Langerhans of the pancreas, and some associated cell surface antigens within the organ. It occurs in those less than thirty years old. It is also called insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. It has limited sex predilection. Type II diabetes mellitus is commoner in the older age group with high incidence in those with obesity, in postmenopausal women it occurs after age 45. it is the most common form of diabetes mellitus.

Gestational diabetes is the diabetes that occurs first in pregnancy, and usually resolves at the end of gestation. It develops in about 4% of pregnant women. Diabetes mellitus affects about 9million in the United States. Its incidence in higher in the minority populations: African-American, Hispanics than the Native Americans. In these populations, there is a genetic predisposition that contributes to the prevalence: possession of a particular gene on a specific locus predisposes to developing diabetes mellitus, especially type II and gestational diabetes.

Women with diabetes mellitus are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, peripheral vascular disease, vaginal infections and complications of diabetes mellitus such as diabetic ketoacidosis, and hyperosmolar non-ketotic acidosis, than men and women with out diabetes mellitus.


  • http://www. diabetesnet. com/diabetes_information/diabetes_women. php
  • http://www. fda. gov/WOMENS/taketimetocare/diabetes/fswomen. html
  • http://www. diabetes. org/type-1-diabetes/women-diabetes. jsp

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