Women in sport

I am investigating women in sport. The particular are of focus for this study will be women’s participation in sport. This interests me as participation in sport for women is a lot less than men. I can see this is apparent from my own experiences, amongst my peers sport participation has decreased as we’ve got older there doesn’t seem to be as many sporting opportunities, consequently interest in sport is lost. Books identify and discuss the problems with women’s participation in sport, television has hardly any women’s sports coverage due to few women athletes. I am interested to find out why this is, what effects it and what can be done to solve this problem.

I will begin this project by trying to find out why women play less sport, I will then investigate the issue further by finding out the factors which affect this, whose responsibility it is to ensure there is women’s participation and what is being/can be done to improve this. I can research this by looking in physical education text books, sport websites on the internet and sport articles in the newspaper. 33% of men participate in sporting activity only 10% of women do.

Womens role in society is to be a certain way , to be ‘feminine’ the amount of sport played must correspond with this, sport isn’t considered very feminine so little is played. Along with being feminine women must spend time at work and with family so any leisure time left is very short and often women are too physically exhausted to take part. These notes were taken from Advanced physical education and sport, I found this book good as it relates womens roles in society to participation in sport and has a statistic which clearly defines the participation difference.Cultural- some religions don’t allow women the same freedom to compete in sport as men

Domestic- some countries have social traditions which prevent women from being free to compete as they wish. Taken form A-level pe, these show constrains outside a womens own descion to take part in sport, shows that in some events its not possible and in some cultures its not possible as women don’t have the same freedom as the men do. Who’s responsibility?Parents? Parents unknowingly force masculine and feminine stereotypes, they are among key influencers as well as schools which teach that girls shouldn’t play sports and shouldn’t be interested in them. Girls seldom see images of women playing sport so parents need to be clear and send a positive message that sports participation is desirable.

Research shows that boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 9 are equally interested in sports, girls aren’t as discouraged as they were, they’re just not encouraged. They enter organised sport later than boys and are less likely to have the skills required for success, if they don’t experience success they don’t have fun. As a result of 1lack of opportunities to play as they get older girls teams decrease both in and out of school 2 the same encouragement as boys 3 skill success and therefore fun, girls drop out of sport at a rate 6 times higher than boys at 14.

If a girl doesn’t play sports by the time she is 10 years old, there is less than 10% chance she will be playing when she is 25. This is taken from the womens sports foundation Canada website. I find this piece of research very interesting as it shows that the encouragement and stereotypes that are around when we are young make a big difference in the participation when we are older.

They come in all shapes and sizes. Some stand tall on pedestals while others walk on solid ground. Some go down in history while others rise up as legends. They’re heroes and mentors, leaders and role models. Their images are taped to bedroom walls and locker room doors. They walk the earth disguised as parents, teachers, coaches and athletes. They are the chosen ones — the ones who can make a difference in a girls life at a time when making a difference matters.

But if you look at those pedestals and walls, there are few women present. he percentage of women coaches has decreased, not increased. At a time when girls strive to define themselves as women, it is still difficult to find a female athlete or coach that can be a source of validation for a girl bursting with athletic passion. present female athletes found their mentors in brothers, fathers, and male coaches. the closer a role model is to an individual’s profile, the more that individual can realize their own potential to be like them. This was take from wsf Uk and explores another reason why participation is low because there are few people 2 look up to and it links in with the encouragement when young so they can become role models for others.

Turn on your TV screen and there’s a high probability that a sports game will be on at one channel. Unless it’s a special sports channel such as ‘sky sports’ etc. you will easily realise it is men playing the …

A woman’s place in sport has changed unrecognisably over the last hundred years or so. At the beginning of the 20th century sport was seen as a male preserve accentuating masculine values, a woman who showed any interest in competing …

It may be argued that women still do not compete on equal terms with men in many sports, but this is really a matter of performance rather than opportunity. This is traceable not to lack of application or unsuitability, but …

Although sports of one kind or another seem to be a human universal found in every known culture, for children if not for adults, most historians agree that the formal-structure characteristics of modern sports are fundamentally different from those of …

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