Women ceos in healthcare administration

The disparity of men and women in corporate management is largely seen in healthcare administration. Witnessing the larger number of women obtaining a master’s education in healthcare administration, and having opening salaries similar to men, successful careers for women in healthcare management may seem highly possible. However, surveys clearly show that as the career advances, women are faced with lesser promotional facilities, both positional and salaried. Furthermore, men occupy most of the senior level administration posts in the healthcare industry, which has a larger population of women (Borkowski; Walsh, 1992).

The exclusion of half the population from the run for high-level management posts would also waste the effective ideas conceived by the female gender. In order to prevent this ongoing tragedy, it is mandatory to research this trend and solve this problem in a reasonable fashion. Goals & Objectives The chief aim of this survey is to examine the various factors responsible for the low representation of women and minorities in healthcare administration, and address the significance of their educational level in acquiring the top-level management posts.

Moreover, the study would clearly define the importance of the presence of women and other minorities in healthcare management, and emphasize on the probable positive changes brought about by them, via case studies of female CEOs of healthcare. For example, it is the view of Dorothy Hill, Chief Executive of Acadia Hospital, that a past experience of nursing provides a better insight of the daily running of the hospital and the critical issues at hand (Woelflein, 2006). Methodology

The activities included in this research would include a thorough analysis of the available literature on disparity in healthcare administration, interviews with employees of healthcare management, and visiting various sites to observe healthcare administration (Betancourt, 2002). Studies that document disparities in healthcare management, and the various economic, organizational, and psychological speculations on the causes of these disparities would be the chief literatures to be inspected.

Articles on effective recommendations to resolve these disparity problems, and case studies that demonstrate influential female senior management would also be reviewed in order to obtain a practical analysis of the factors effecting the top-level administration (Borkowski; Walsh, 1992). Secondly, recorded interviews and surveys would be held with the present CEOs of various hospitals. These interviews would be based on their past career history, as well as their opinions on different aspects of hospital administration.

A detailed examination of this information would clearly define the road taken by the present CEOs to reach their extreme level. Special attention would be given to the female CEOs, as it would provide an appropriate insight to the matter at hand. Interviews of employees at their initial and mid-career level would also be taken so that the exact starting points of the with-career growing disparity are isolated (Borkowski; Walsh, 1992). Lastly, a number of hospitals would be visited in order to analyze the efficiency of the various healthcare managements running in the area.

The visits would be divided into three groups. First, hospitals run successfully by men, then those run successfully by women, and lastly, those run inadequately by either men or women, would be visited. These three inspections would then be compared, automatically revealing the factors that do correlate to the acquirement of a senior level administrative post in the healthcare industry.

Works Cited

1. Betancourt, Joseph R. (2002, October). Cultural Competence in Healthcare: Emerging Frameworks and Practical Approaches. Retrieved August 8, 2008, from The Commonwealth Fund. Website: http://www.commonwealthfund.org/usr_doc/betancourt_culturalcompetence_576.pdf?section=4039

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