WLAN technology in health care centers

Wireless technology is as of today, one of the fastest growing sectors in the communications and information technology industry. Wireless communications can be said to be of 2 main categories: the wireless data and the wireless voice category. The wireless data category consists of CDPD (cellular digital packet data) and WLAN (Wireless Local Area Networks), while wireless voice includes all mobile, cordless, and cellular phones.

Implementing wireless communication and computing can yield positive dividends, but extensive forethought and proper planning are essential in the designing and implementation of any wireless enterprise, in order to realize full value. The aim here will be to define, deploy, and implement, modern wireless solutions that can meet the requirements of the technological improvements in a healthcare business environment. Most major health care providers and organizations now work on clinical care initiatives which strongly lend themselves to a proactive wireless communication strategy.

In making any implementation decisions for wireless technology in health care centers, it is essential to: 1. Conduct detailed on-site analyses of critical physical and clinical problems at health care facilities to determine if wireless computing offers the right answers. 2. Understand clearly the organization’s business objectives and business processes. Health care organizations should consider wireless applications in the context of a larger business process reengineering and enterprise-wide IT effort. 3. Conduct an enterprise technology assessment.

Complete a thorough technical analysis on which to base the decision to install wireless solutions. Avoid choosing a technology that fails to meet your organization’s business and clinical needs. 4. Identify the type of data to be transmitted. Determine whether it is text intensive, graphics-intensive; determine physical parameters of the proposed installations as wireless networks are limited in range; note the span and throughput of wireless networks offered by competing manufacturers. 5. Establish an enterprise wireless working group to develop a long range strategy and plan.

Ensure the design of wireless infrastructure products and components chosen to be implemented comply with your Enterprise IT Architecture and Standards. 7. Choose the right vendor. In addition to their product line the chosen wireless product vendors need to be able to provide training and support to the organization over time. 8. Secure data everywhere. Wrap security around all information, internally and externally, regardless of when, where or how it is created, stored, processed or transmitted. Be mindful of ever-occurring security threats and create centralized policies.

Lay the groundwork for a shift in mindset and the work environment when wireless solutions take hold. Provide orientation and training needed to help management and employees embrace the new world of mobility and increase autonomy of the organization’s workforce. 10. Consider acquiring and deploying an enterprise-wide “mobile infrastructure” solution. Deploying one integrated mobile computing suite across the enterprise will provide a range of benefits, e. g. one vendor, one contract, less training, simplified architecture, and lower support costs.

Determine how to quickly and cost-effectively integrate wireless technology into your current environment – and achieve the most positive impact on your business. Determine which wireless solutions will deliver the greatest business value Conduct pilot tests of various solutions Prioritize planned acquisition and implementation of wireless solutions 12. Check on how the stations communicate with different internal and external Access Points (AP) in order to assess to which AP they should currently belong.

Develop a device management strategy and approach to control hardware and software purchases, inventory management, back up, training, and help desk support. (Wireless Security for Health care Retrieved from http://vaww. webdev. va. gov/vhaea/security/WirelessinsecurityV11. pdf)


VA Wireless Security Guidelines. Retrieved from http://vaww. infosec. va. gov/UploadedFiles/Notices/VAGuidelineWirelessandHandheldDecicesFinal. doc Wireless Security for Health care. Retrieved from http://vaww. webdev. va. gov/vhaea/security/WirelessinsecurityV11. pdf http://www. hoise. com/vmw/06/articles/vmw/LV-VM-03-06-12. html

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