Why I Want to Be a Doctor

Opening- There are about 701,200 doctors in the United States. And I could be one of them. They treat people when they are sick or hurt. They give advice to patients to help keep them from getting sick. They bandage knees, prescribe medicine, sew up cuts. They bring new babies into the world and comfort older people who are sick or dying. And what made me go into this career was that I always wanted to do something in medicine. And I thought that why not become a M. D. And medicine is something I love to do. Characteristics-

The setting is very neutral maybe a few pictures on the wall. I will hopefully be working in an office. Hopefully my office will have a huge window with a view. I feel working as a doctor I will be out of the office a lot. I expect to mend injuries and write prescriptions for illness, also diagnose illness. But as a doctor I don’t expect no two days to be exactly alike. I could be called in at any time of the night for an emergency. A doctor has the benefit of having flexible hours or branching out into a private practice.

There are also many different types of doctors from pediatricians to anesthesiologist. The options seem to never end. I could also join the navy and still continue my career. Requirements- The physical requirements are not that intense as I thought they were. The only one is walking all over an hospital. And working at fast pace. I expect to be able to do even as I age. The necessary strengths that I should have would science that is involved in medicine. I would need good social skills and a level head. And to be able to handle pressure well. This job takes a lot of patience.

It takes a minimum of eleven years to become a doctor. And sometimes longer for special fields. The first four years are filled with math and science classes. For example, chemistry, biology, and physics and a few others. After the four years are up then students apply for medical school. The medical school I am considering is NYU med. Outlook- Medicine began as early as the 1600s in the United States. At the beginning of the 17th century, medical practice in England was divided into three distinct groups: the physicians, the surgeons, and the apothecaries.

Doctor was viewed at the highest rank and had earned a university degree. Apothecaries or pharmacist would prescribe, make, and sell medicine through sometimes within hospitals. The three different groups did not go over so well in America . Fresh out the university MDs from England came to America and expected to perform surgery and prepare medicines. But the class difference and snobbishness that was associated with doctors and surgeons quickly began to fade. The New Jersey Medical Society, chartered July 23, 1766, was the first organization of medical professionals in the colonies.

It was developed to “form a program embracing all the matters of highest concern to the profession: regulation of practice; educational standards for apprentices; fee schedules; and a code of ethics. ” Later this organization became the Medical Society of New Jersey and remains the oldest medical society in the United States. The rules of medical practice, by examining and licensing practitioners, were started by professional societies through provincial legislatures as early as 1760. By the early 1800s, the establishment of regulations, standards of practice, and certification of doctors was firmly in the hands of the medical societies.

Future- There are about 40, 000 jobs nationwide for doctors nationwide. And that number is expected to increase by 30 percent over the next few years due to the growing number of elderly people. But mostly to the serious problems facing our health care system. Raising cost, poor personal health, and rising number of the uninsured. The average salary for a doctor in New York is around 95,000 a year. The nationwide average salary is 78,000 a year. PERSONAL- There are two main rewards when it comes to be a doctor. One of the rewards for being a doctor is wealth.

The other is great respect in the medical world. Also the benefit of knowing you helped someone live another day. This job is very compatible with my work style behavior. Because it has the main two I want and that is respect and wealth. I expect to make to start out making around 75,000 a year. And then to move my way up. And around half way though my career I expect to be making around 85,000 a year. This career I have chosen makes enough money to support me and my family. My Plan- The skills that I had at that time was are filing, basic computer skills, basic math skills.

But now I have learned more advanced math skills and science. The skills I need now are the advance science classes such as biology and chemistry. Because this job requires a lot of science and math. This career also requires patience and a level head under pressure. If I chose to go to another career, such as a pharmacist. I would be prefect for the job. Basically any career in medicine, I would be prefect it for. Today- To begin preparing for this career I could start by taking a lot of math and science classes. For example, classes like biology, chemistry, and physics.

Or classes like algebra 1 and 2. The classes I can take in high school are listed. Biology, chemistry, physics, algebra 1 and 2. After a graduate from high school I plan to take a internship at a hospital or medical center. Hopefully it will me a inside look on what it takes to be a doctor. Conclusion- The career I have chosen is to be a doctor. Even though the years of college and long internships. I know that this is the career for me. Everyday I will work hard to save lives. And try my best to help cure illness and repair people’s lives.

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