Why Ebola Should Be Included in Our Textbooks

Did you know that there are many crucial details that are left out of our biology text book that we do not know anything about? Some details like Ebola we hear about but we do not know what it is because it is not included in our text books. Ebola was a huge problem in our world and many teens and young adults aren’t sure what Ebola is. It should be in our text book because it is a very harmful virus and there is still no known cure for Ebola. Ebola has a very high fatality rate and the symptoms are deadly put together. There is a lot of important information left out like how Ebola affected our world.

Ebola is a very harmful virus and there are four different types of Ebola: Ebola Zaire, Ebola Reston, Ebola Ivory Coast, and Ebola Sudan. There is no cure for any type of Ebola. You are treated for the symptoms that you have and time will only cure Ebola (emedtv.com). If you come in contact with a sick person there is a very high chance you will catch Ebola. You can also catch Ebola without coming in contact with a person because it can become an airborne virus. It is considered a biohazard level four while AIDS is considered only a biohazard level two.

It has been around since 1976 when it was first discovered and named after Zaire, Africa, where it was first detected. The Ebola Virus has a very high fatality rate. Death rates range from 50% to 90%. Symptoms appear in two to twenty-one days after being infected (Dyhpe.com). The only way to know if you have Ebola is a blood test that is extremely hazardous. The blood test can only be done is specially equipped laboratories. The Ebola virus is very deadly and should be in our textbooks.

The symptoms of Ebola are fever, dry cough, sore throat, weakness, joint and muscle aches, severe headaches, diarrhea, dehydration, vomiting, and stomach pain. Late symptoms are bleeding from eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and rectum. You may also feel depressed and have eye swelling (The New York Times August 28, 2009). You have to have the symptoms treated by medical people to survive the Ebola virus.

Our Biology textbooks leave out crucial details about the past viruses like Ebola that affected the world. Ebola should be included because it is very deadly and dangerous. The fatality rate is very high and the symptoms need to be treated by medical people.

Discovery of Ebola The discovery of Ebola was made after an epidemic of this virus was spread throughout Sub-Sahara Africa. The actual discovery was made by a native by the name of DR. Ngoy Mushola. He discovered it in 1976 …

Hi, My name is Dr. Howe and I work for the CDC. CDC stands for the Center of Disease Control. Today I’m going to talk to you about Ebola. Ebola Virus is a deadly virus and we sometimes have to …

The Ebola virus is a deadly virus in the filovirus family. The filovirus family consists of Ebola Zaire, the most virulent of the Ebola viruses, Ebola Sudan, Ebola Reston, and Marburg. The Ebola Zaire virus has a 90% kill rate …

EBOV also known as Ebola virus is an extremely deadly virus that is found in Africa. Ebola viruses are mainly found in primates in Africa and possibly in the Phillipines. There are 5 Ebola subtypes which are: Ebola-zaire, Ebola-sudan, Ebola-Ivory …

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