What Is Malaria

Malaria is a blood disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted from human-to-human by the Anopheles mosquito. How is Malaria Spread? 1. Malaria is spread by female mosquitoes. The parasite which causes malaria is found in the female mosquito’s saliva. When a person is bitten by a female mosquito, the parasite enters the bloodstream via the mosquito’s saliva. 2. Someone using a needle that has been used by a person with malaria can infect that person. Having a blood transfusion from someone who has malaria can also pass it on to someone else. 3.

If there is a person who used the same toiletries as one who as malaria then it can also be spread that way too, as one or person is using the same thing which means that they are passing each other’s germs and illnesses to one another by mosquitoes. What are the signs for Malaria? The sigh for malaria is a high temperature fever of 38°C 100. 4°F or above occurs at regular time What are symptoms of Malaria? The main symptoms of Malaria are: 1. Vomiting 2. Sweating and shiver 3. Body and Muscle Pain 4. Headaches 5. Diarrhea 6. In some case it also affects the kidneys or the brain.

7. The organ enlarge How is Malaria controlled? 1. For individual protection, the most effective chemical insect repellents to reduce human-mosquito contact are those based on DEET and picaridin. 2. Insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) have been shown to be highly effective vector control interventions in preventing malaria morbidity and mortality among children in malaria-endemic settings 3. Medication- Chloroquine may be used where the parasite is still sensitive. Treatment of Malaria The common medications for treating malaria are:

* Chloroquine (Aralen)- Chloroquine may be used where the parasite is still sensitive * Quinine sulfate (Qualaquin) * Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) * Mefloquine * Combination of atovaquone and proguanil (Malarone) What is Dysentery? Dysentery formerly known as flux or the bloody flux is an inflammatory disorder of the intestine, especially of the colon, that results in severe diarrhea containing mucus and/or blood in the feces[1] with fever, abdominal pain,[2] and rectal tenesmus a feeling of incomplete defecation, caused by any kind of infection.

How is Dysentery Spread? Dysentery is spread by: 1. Dysentery is usually spread by hand-to-mouth transfer from person-to-person or from surfaces that have been contaminated by an infected person. 2. contamination of food and water and are most common where sanitation is poor What are the signs of Dysentery? Signs of Dysentery are Fevers and high temperature Symptoms of Dysentery Symptoms usually appear between six hours and three days after infection. They can include: * Watery diarrhoea, sometimes with blood and mucus.

* Nausea and vomiting * Abdominal pain * Fever * General malaise How is dysentery controlled? To reduce the risk of contracting dysentery the following precautions are suggested: * Washing one’s hands after using the toilet, after contact with an infected person, and regularly throughout the day. * Washing one’s hands before handling, cooking and eating food, handling babies, and feeding young or elderly people. * Keeping contact with someone known to have dysentery to a minimum.

* Washing laundry on the hottest setting possible. * Avoiding sharing items such as towels and face cloths. Treatments of Dysentery 1. The treatment for dysentery is resting and drinking plenty of fluids are all the treatment that’s necessary. A person shouldn’t return to school or work until they’ve been symptom free for 48 hours. 2. Clinical diagnosis is necessary to control dysentery. In most cases, antibiotics are used to treat dysentery. Make sure you take the full-course to avoid relapse Dysentrey.

One problem with cholera is that it is so easily spread, due to its water borne nature and the fact that it can survive anywhere there are humans and a water system, such as a sewerage works. This means that …

According to the official U.S Department of Health and Human Services records, around 2.7 million people still die of malaria every year and a large percentage of these, sadly, are infants. Malaria, deriving its name from mala aria – the Italian …

Malaria and HIV in Africa   WE WILL WRITE A CUSTOM ESSAY SAMPLE ON ANY TOPIC SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU FOR ONLY $13.90/PAGE Write my sample Fig I             Blue shade represents areas prone to Malaria …

Malaria is regarded as one of the world’s deadliest tropical parasitic diseases. It claims more lives than any other communicable disease except tuberculosis. In Africa and other developing countries, it also accounts for millions of dollars in medical costs. Malaria, …

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