What Is Introversion?

So many things to do, so little time to do it. For me, the best solution would be to go in a room, by myself, and work until everything is done. For others, it might mean working as a group. There are a lot of things that I would like to change about myself, but the most important aspect would be that I’m an introvert. What is introversion? Introversion, the most common term, means quiet, reserved, thoughtful, and self-reliant and who tend to prefer solitary work and leisure activities.

Webster’s dictionary defines introversion as “the state or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one’s own mental life”. Carl Jung is credited as the first psychologist to use the words introvert and extravert. Recently, Hans Eysenck has popularized the words. Eysenck believed that the words are biological basis. Eysenck also believed that it was rooted in differences in sensitivity to physical and emotional stimulation.

Eysenck said that introverts were more sensitive to cortical arousal, which regulates attention and alertness, and are more likely to be overwhelmed by external stimuli. Eysenck came up with some personality types combining introverts and extraverts with degrees of emotionality and stability. He said that there were four temperaments, which were first delineated by Hippocrates. The first is Melancholic, which combines emotional and introverts. The second is Phlegmatic, which combines stability and introverts. The third is Choleric, which combines emotional and extraverts.

The last one is Sanguine, which combines stability and extraverts. Introversion and extraversion are both observable in early childhood. Introversion in a child may be that they are able to entertain themselves alone for extended periods of time. Some children may have only one or a few best friends rather than a social group. These children, like many adults, “look before they leap”. This means that they think things out rationally before they make their decisions. They are often independent, introspective thinkers.

These children also are more likely to act differently in public because they feel less at ease among strangers. They may prefer to concentrate on a single activity at a time and dislike any or all interruptions. They are more likely to become absorbed by their own emotions and pay less attention to those of the people around them. They may also be more reluctant than extraverted children to talk about their feelings. Personality traits overlap those often seen in gifted children. Independence of thought, and ability to spend extended periods of time absorbed in solitary pursuits are also traits of an introvert.

The also have heightened sensitivity to social interactions. A woman named Dr. Linda Silverman reinforced association between introverts and extraverts. Dr. Silverman is from Denver University’s Gifted Child Development Center. She found that an unusually high percentage of introverted children are gifted. About 60% of gifted children are introverts. So now you are thinking, okay, I know introverts are quiet and shy. Wrong! Here are some common misconceptions of introverts. * Shy~ an introvert may have no fear of saying hello or to talking to strangers.

Anti-Social~ an introvert may like to say hello or talk with strangers * Uncooperative~ an introvert may be eager to help * Non-Verbal~ an introvert may be quite verbal * Dumb~ an introvert may be extremely intelligent So, what is an introvert then? The essence of an introvert is to focus on his or her internal life. Introverted people do not need to be viewed as weird or as nerds. We live in a world almost filled with extraverts (about 75%). Some things introverts need to remember are this. There is nothing wrong or unnatural with being an introvert.

Speak loudly and clear when speaking. Since you might not speak very often, this is the perfect time to be heard! Do not hesitate to ask questions when you need to. Be your own person! Too many introverts try to change themselves to be extraverts. Not all people are boisterous. Society does still need the quiet timid people. I am an introvert! I am very timid around others. When I am in a group of people that I do not know, I do not talk. However, when I am around my close set of friends, I can talk forever.

My main problem with being an introvert is that sometimes I have comments to make in class or opinions that I think need to be heard. However, I just sit back and let every one else speak. I would like to be able to change this about myself. I would like to be able to raise my hand and class and not be scared to speak. When I am with my friends, or in front of children, I am okay. However, in front of my peers I get frightened. When I started this paper, I wanted to change this about myself. I did not want to be the quiet one anymore.

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A within subjects correlation study was conducted to test the hypotheses that individuals who know one another either well/very well are more likely to produce consistent scores for extraversion The participants were psychology students (n = 49). The participants were …

As can be seen from the previous section the data that was collected does not support the hypothesis. This section will examine some reasons why the hypothesis was not correct in this case. According to previous research by Eysenck (1967) …

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