West Africa – Medicine

In my article it talked about Ebola, Ebola is a disease it is characterized by a fever, sore throat, muscle pain and headaches. Typically, vomiting, diarrhea and rash follow, along with decreased functioning of the liver and kidneys. Around this time, affected people may begin to bleed both within and outside of the body. It states that the Ebola epidemic in West African was declared a global emergency. It states that the move was largely symbolic they also did not add any trade or travel restrictions to or from the country.

In the West African countries where the disease had spread it did not kill a whole lot, less than malaria and tuberculosis. The epidemic showed governments worldwide how broken the international health system truly was. As of Aug. 6, 1,779 cases of Ebola had been reported to the Worldwide Health Organization, including 961 deaths. Of the four countries affected, Sierra Leone (with 717 cases) has suffered the worst. The country’s first reported Ebola deaths were in April this year.

In approximately four months, Sierra Leone suffered a total of 298 deaths. More are surely to come. They hoped that the Ebola outbreak would get under control quickly, like it had been with the 20 previous outbreaks of this disease. For the disease to spread it needed bodily fluids of one infected person to touch an open wound of a non-infected person. Almost all of the infections had been from caring for victims of this disease, therefore it is generally easy to stop, or contain the disease.

Masks, gloves, and gowns for caregivers, preferably working in isolation units, give considerable protection was the general way to protect them from getting, and spreading the disease even farther. Worldwide, the WHO’s legally binding International Health Regulations lay rules and steps that countries must follow, to identify disease outbreaks and stop them from spreading. Out of 1930 members only 80 kept these regulations.

And just 100 had surveillance reporting based on international standards for epidemic disease. Extremely poor countries with terrible health systems do not have the ability to monitor outbreaks and isolate the members who are infected. Much less the care of the victims of the outbreaks, that’s why more international support is definitely needed to help protect everyone. They have tried to fund the countries for the cause of protecting their people from these deadly diseases, but it is still not enough, there is need for much more funding.

Much progress was made in the effort to find a possible treatment method for the Ebola virus outbreak in many African countries. The drug is called “ZMapp,” and medical professionals say victims have shown “very positive signs of recovery. ” …

Nigeria and Ivory Coast restricted flights from Ebola-infected countries, emphasizing fears of the virus in West Africa spreading globally by air travel. The move Ebola is frightening and also it is scary how far it may travel. That is why …

The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the world’s deadliest to date and the World Health Organization has declared an international health emergency as more than 2,100 people have died of the virus in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria …

As of 2014, an epidemic of Ebola virus disease is ongoing in West Africa. The epidemic began in Guinea in December 2013. It then spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Senegal. In the United States, an initial case has …

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