Weight Training Raises Your Basal Metabolism

Perhaps the biggest advantage of weight training for the average person is that well-toned muscles burn more calories than unworked muscles. Working out regularly with weights will boost your metabolism to the point that you are burning more calories even when just sitting down watching TV. Aerobics may burn more calories while you are doing it, but the effects of weight training last far longer after you leave the gym. This is very important once you reach the age of thirty. It’s a natural fact of life that as we get older our metabolism slows down.

A calorie intake that once maintained our bodyweight now starts piling inches around the waist. But a regular weight training program helps reverse this effect. We may not be stopping the clock but we are definitely slowing it down! Weight training has a positive affect on almost all of your 650+ muscles. Most sports stress some muscles more than others. And some aerobic activities may neglect muscles altogether. But a well-rounded weight training program will bring every muscle into play. This is one of the biggest advantages of the activity over most other forms of exercise – every muscle gets a good workout.

The Anti-Osteoporosis Exercise As we age our bones begin to loose calcium and other strengthening minerals. The end result is a condition known as osteoporosis, marked by an increase in the incidence of breakage. We may laugh at the old saying “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up,” but brittle bones in old age is no laughing matter. And even though the condition is more prevalent in elderly women, everyone is at risk. We now know that weight training not only strengthens muscles but bones as well. It does this by increasing the absorption rate of minerals into bones. It also seems to prevent the loss of existing minerals.

We should add that weight training won’t prevent osteoporosis completely, but it does go a long way towards reducing its effects. Weight training also allows sufferers to lead more active lives. Weight Training Increases Muscle Size and Strength This is perhaps the most well-known benefit of weight training. Even though powerlifters go mainly for strength, most keep tabs on their appearance these days. Conversely, most bodybuilders like to test their strength on many of the exercises. Even though it is possible to emphasize one more than the other, weight training will increase both muscle size and strength.

We know the size variable frightens many women. In fact, personal trainers report this is the number one concern of new female clients. Rest assured, women won’t gain as much overall size as men because their biochemistry won’t allow it. Men have higher levels of the hormone testosterone. Among other properties, testosterone is one of the body’s primary anabolic compounds. Weight Training Reduces the Risk of Injury Most injuries suffered on a daily basis are due to a sudden load being placed on the muscle. It stands to reason that someone whose muscles are capable of lifting heavier loads will suffer less injuries.

As with osteoporosis, weight training does not provide 100% protection, but it does put the odds in your favor. Weight Training Decreases Blood Pressure As with any form of exercise, weight training reduces blood pressure in the long run. There’s nothing like regular exercise to keep the arteries clear of fatty deposits. It is the build-up of fat that reduces the size of blood vessels, thus forcing the heart to pump harder to get the same amount of blood delivered to the cells. Weight training, especially if done at a fast pace, helps keep the arteries clear of fat build-up, the end result being lower blood pressure.

Weight training is a common type of training for developing the strength and size of skeletal muscles. Weight training is often put into an athletes’ training programme. Muscular endurance is used by athletes’ who participate in activities for long periods …

Weight Training involves using weights as a form of resistance training, either using free weights, or weights in machines in order to improve strength. To build up muscle, gradually increasing the weights lifted. Weights are lifted in sets; a set …

Interval training is basically training for a specific amount of time, followed by short rest periods. This technique is used to develop speed. However, I think interval training is not useful for badminton, as you do need to be constantly …

It is important to realise that safety is a very important factor when performing and type of exercise, as fault can result in injury. It is especially important to stress the importance of safety in weight training, as a resistance …

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