Weight loss surgery

In the America we know today obesity is abundant. Simple diet and exercise wont help all people such as those with glandular problems, or plain lack of motivation. There is an alternate solution available for these kinds of people and that solution is weight loss surgery. It is safe and effective to all users with very low risk. Weight loss surgery does cost a fair amount of money however. This paper will explain different types of weight loss surgery as well as their effectiveness. Weight loss surgery works in many different ways for example some surgeries stop your from feeling hungry and other alter your digestion.

First I will explain restrictive procedures, which are those that curb your appetite. The theory is fairly easy to understand. When you feel full, you your body wont allow to eat anymore or begin to make you feel sick. The result is that you are likely to alot eat less. Restrictive weight loss surgery works by reducing the amount of food the stomach can contain at one time. It does not, however, interfere with the digestive system. In a restrictive weight loss procedure, the surgeon creates an upper stomach “pouch”.

The pouch is what the food eaten collects and digests in only allow a small amount. This in turn reduces calorie in-take therefore reducing body weight. The operation does however require a recovery time after the surgery is done. During recovery, patients must abide by very strict specific special dietary rules and restrictions. These rules may change from surgeon to surgeon but are all basically the same in theory. After considerable recover the time comes when the patient can eat “normal” food again. The patient must adapt to the new way of eating a meal the surgeon has prescribed.

Patients who see the best results from a restrictive weight loss surgery are those who teach themselves through the surgery Weight Loss Surgery 4 to eat less and consume less carbonated beverages. If the patient fails to abide by the new eating habits they risk stretching the stomach pouch out and defeating the entire original purpose of the surgery. Anytime the surgery is unsuccessful overtime is usually cause by the patients constant snacking or consumption of high calorie liquids. Thus this method is mainly for those with self control and a true will to change.

To be more in depth an example of a restrictive surgery is Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG) which is a stomach stapling based restrictive procedure. In this procedure the upper stomach is stapled a few inches vertically to create a smaller stomach pouch. The outlet from the pouch is restricted by a band or ring that slows the rate food enters the stomach and intestines creating a full feeling. Next is Malabsorptive procedures that alter digestion. weight loss procedures that alter digestion, known as malabsorptive procedures, were created to work alongside restrictive approaches.

Some of these surgeries include a bypass of the small intestine, henceforth limiting the absorption of calories. When balanced, malabsorptive and malabsorptive/restrictive procedures have resulted in an increase in the loss of excess weight. Meaning this surgery reduces the amount of food enters the small intestines, thus absorbing less calories. The risk of complications and side effects generally increases with the more restricting or surgeries the patient receives. Anyone considering to use a malabsorptive should make sure its right for them.

An example of malabsorbative procedures would be Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD ). BPD Weight Loss Surgery 5 removes three fourths of the stomach to produce both a slowed food intake and production of acid output. The small intestine is then divided with one end attached to the “pouch” to create a new food passageway called the “alimentary limb. ” All the food moves through this passage; however, not very much is taken in. The chart below depicts BPD: In conclusion weight loss surgery is very effective in many ways with low risk to it’s patients.

If effectively curbs the appetite or regulates calorie in-take without harming the patient. Although half the success relies on the patients will power and self control studies show that more that fifty percent of patients lose massive amounts of excess body weight. This, I believe is conclusive evidence that weight loss surgery is a highly effective way to combat obesity and make america a more healthy place. Weight Loss Surgery 6 Weight Loss Surgery Procedures – Which is Right for You? ” 24 Feb. 2009  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weight_loss_surgery

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