Weight Gain: Worldwide Epidemic

Seidell’s basic study of the worldwide obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes epidemic touches on the fact that the percentage of obese individuals in market economies such as the United States, Europe, Canada, and Australia is at about 15-20% (2000). The severity of the effects of obesity on the health of an individual is astounding, including insulin resistance and diabetes as well as a host of other disorders. Obesity is the extreme end of weight gain, people heavier than overweight, with a body masses greater than 30 kg/sq. m.

There is even discussion about lowering the marker for some overweight individuals to 23, as smaller framed people who are classified at the high end of the normal weight range (BMIs at or just under 25) are also developing mild health problems. It is my aim to identify adult individuals who are overweight and obese and who are ignorant of the fact that BMIs at or under 25 are recommended for them. Upon obtaining a legal contract from a grocery store, I will set up a booth in the main lobby in order to try to get people to sign up for my survey.

A random sample of voluntary shoppers will engage in the study and would have to sign a legal contract releasing all pertinent information to this research project. Within the survey would contain a BMI calculation formula, where individuals can plug in weight and height in order to obtain their BMIs. There will also be questions included about whether or not the individual was aware of the appropriate BMI range and related health risks for overweight and obese individuals.

The control variable will be the total number of adult shoppers in the store who are participating in the study, and dependent variables would be overweight/obese individuals and ignorant individuals as compared to all others. By knowing the outcomes of this research project, both the general public and the medical community will gain greater insight into the state of health of this community, hopefully promoting further activism in countering weight problems within society.


Seidell, J. (2000). Obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes—a worldwide epidemic. British Journal of Nutrition 83, S5-S8.

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