Way of thinking

I have decided to further investigate into this hypothesis, as I am extremely curious to find out who is more intelligent. I am engrossed to determine whether being left or right-handed can affect your intelligence, it would be quiet fascinating to discover even if it had the smallest impact on a person. By carrying out various mathematical methods, I will hopefully prove my hypothesis correct. This gives me an excellent opportunity to learn the different abilities, that left, and right-handed pupils possess, therefore broadening my way of thinking.

In order to continue with my project, I have to arrange my data accordingly. I have to determine exactly which information I will be needing and how it will influence my results and findings. I will research my topic on the Internet and in the library to give me a wider base to work on. I will firstly discuss each title and how it may or may not help me to carry out appropriate results in my project. I will need to find out the pupils surnames, whether they are left or right handed, their IQ levels and their maths science and English results.

There are about 1200 names in the Mayfield High data and to make it easier and the project smaller for me I will choose 80 names in total. I will choose 40 right handed people and then 40 left handed people. There are many different ways in choosing what data you can use such as: Randomized: This means choosing the names at random with no specific order. Quota: This method chooses a sample of data such as 40 right handed people and 40 left handed people. Systematic: This means choosing the data in order, such as choosing a person every 20 names.

This method is very similar to choosing the data in random. I am using the method quota to select my data. I will select 40 right handed students and 40 left handed students. I will sort the data into two groups. One group will be left handed and the other right handed. I will then put the names for the two groups into order starting with the names beginning with the letter ‘A’ at the top of my table. I will be using 80 students from year 10 only. This the data that I have decided to keep. I have also done a pivot table to show how many students I have selected from the left and right handed groups.

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