Viral hemorrhagic fever

Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (Ebola HF) is a harsh, and deadly Viral Hemorrhagic virus found in primates including humans. The actual source of Ebola is unknown but some scientists say it is from a type of fruit bats. Currently there is an outbreak of Ebola in Liberia, and the virus is recently spreading through West Africa. There is no vaccine, so far, to make people immune to the Ebola virus, but it is being worked on. If some procedures are thoroughly followed, the spread of the virus can be discontinued and then prevented. The ultimate source of the outbreak of Ebola has not been proven, although several scientists say that fruit bats

from the Pteropodidae family are the main host of the virus, but researchers have hypothesized that the first human victim becomes infected because of contact with an infected animal. From there, Ebola can be spread to other humans. Through mucous membranes or broken skin, direct contact with an infected person’s body fluids (urine, saliva, feces, sperm, and vomit), objects, like needles, which are contaminated with body fluids, and infected animals.

The Ebola patients’ doctors, healthcare workers, and their family and friends are most likely to be the next victims whom the virus spreads to, since they may be in contact with the patients’ blood or body fluids. If there is no safety equipment used by healthcare workers, no cleaning of medical instruments, or is there is more contact of people with infected patients or animals, the outbreak will be sustained.

There has been a recent outbreak of Ebola in Liberia that may lead to a risk of exposure from the virus for people who live in the United States or Europe. Several healthcare workers are being infected by the Ebola virus and three have come to the United States for treatment. Dr. Brantly and Dr. Writebol are two healthcare workers who were infected with the virus in Liberia and were transported to Atlanta, Georgia in the United States.

In Emory University Hospital the workers were treated and were discharged and now they are free from Ebola. If Ebola can reach the Mediterranean Sea it can very likely spread in Europe and also into the United States if more healthcare workers are infected and transported for treatment. Like many other diseases, Ebola has its unique symptoms. A symptom of the virus is a fever of greater than 38. 6? (101. 5? F) and Diarrhea. Also, symptoms such as harsh headaches, muscle pains, vomiting, agony and aching of the abdominal (stomach) area of the body, and unfamiliar bleeding and bruising occur. It is known that Ebola can spread only after symptoms start appearing.

The incubation period from the time of exposure to the virus to the time when the symptoms start can be approximately 2-21 days. So far, against Ebola, there is neither a vaccine nor medicine proven for effect, but balancing electrolytes and fluids from veins, managing blood pressure, and oxygen status, and treating other infections are possible ways that may support the odds that a patient survives or recovers from the disease.

Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. The virus is transmitted to people from wild animals and spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission. The average EVD case …

Ebola is a deadly virus, doctors are trying to find a cure for it. “Ebola has taken up to as many as 90% of those it has infected in past outbreaks. ” To become infected, you generally need to spend …

There is a new virus that the world is being to being exposed to. According to the World Health Organization, “Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans” (World Health …

A virus is a small infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of other organisms. A virus can affect all types of life forms. It can be a deadly disease that can spread over a wide range. A …

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