Viable Care Plan Profile

Medical challenge: arthritis and diabetes mellitus. The arthritis would be investigated by appropriate medical investigation facilities including radiological methods. The next step would be to address it using other measures aside the stick and wheelchair. It may become necessary to give anti-inflammatory agents, steroids or interferon to alleviate the concomitant challenges of arthritis. Besides, the wheelchair has to be modified so that it can be comfortable and suitable for the required occasions: this would be handled by a medical technologist.

The diabetes mellitus is possibly poorly-controlled because of the insufficiency of funds and the incessant use of insulin injections. In the former, it is a socioeconomic problem that would be handled holistically alongside other financial issues later. The latter can be achieved by having a nursing staff visits the house to give the injection, or engage the husband for that service if he is active enough for it.

Diabetes mellitus and hypertension are usually killer-twins; hypertension can be addressed by lifestyle modification and drugs [antihypertensives like ACE Inhibitors, ARBs, like vasodilators like hydralazine, beta blockers or Ca channel blockers] diet is useful in the management of these medical cases and should include low-salt and low-fat diet, fruits, vegetable, and balanced calorie rich in carbohydrates and proteins. Besides these measures, she needs to visit the clinic regularly to b reviewed by orthopedic surgeon, cardiologist, endocrinologist and dietician.

There is also need for her to see a psychiatrics for the panic attacks. Family support: at this age, she needs tremendous family support from the nuclear and extended family. As a result, it becomes necessary for counseling that she could these people or they pay regular visits. Either way, a disposition to life and her health would be improved. It would help both to combat the illnesses and improve respond to therapy. Social services: she needs to be open to social services.

The service of community health workers would also be sought to formulate a lasting solution to the social health challenges she has. Whatever plan would have to be merged with existing plans in such a way that the social security checks would be sufficient. The house needs to be evaluated for repairs. Finance: the underlying pathology in this case is insufficient funds to meet needs. This has led to frustration about the situation.

It is therefore important to calculate in detail the expense requirements for the family including medical and housing services; the building needs to be reviewed and repaired. This calculation would also include feeding, transportation, calls and miscellaneous expenses which would be estimated for say a year. The next step would then be to prioritize them in order of importance: feeding, housing, health, family support, etc. the source would then include social security checks, family support donations, hospital support welfare plans and others.

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