Veterinary medicine

Veterinary medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases of animals. Treating pets is one of the most profitable fields in veterinary medicine. The proper vaccination of animals and the diagnosis of diseases are part of a veterinarian’s duties. The first step to a career in veterinary medicine is deciding that it is the right path for you. If you like animals, enjoy working with your hands as well as your mind, and want a challenging job with different responsibilities, veterinary medicine may be right for you.

There are many requirements for a person to become a veterinarian. You need at least two years of pre veterinary college work. Four years of study in a college of veterinary medicine is a must. A degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D. V. M. ) from an appropriate veterinary college is also needed. After you get a diploma, a graduate must comply with the license laws of the state. After licensed, the veterinarian may go into private practice. An academic background of science, biology, and math are needed.

They also need to have good communication skills, chemistry, social sciences, and humanities. A private practice is the most common place to find a veterinarian. Only in urban areas do you find many in animal hospitals. Other services of veterinarians include circuses and zoos which constantly require their services to keep their animals healthy. Veterinarians may also be employed by the government to study and treat wildlife. In the United States, about seventy-five percent of all veterinarians are in private practice.

Veterinarians in private clinical practice work to prevent disease and other health problems in their patients. They examine animals, vaccinate them, prevent the transmission of animal disease to humans, and advise owners on how to keep their animals healthy and happy. The hours and conditions that a veterinarian have depends upon the type of work setting they are in. Their salaries can compare to those in other fields requiring similar education. The salaries vary according to experience, responsibility, location, and type of practice.

Employment opportunities for veterinarians are expected to grow for all veterinary related occupations. Rising incomes, education, and the movement of baby boomers is expected to raise the percent of household pets. Single adults and senior citizens have come to appreciate animal companionship more than in the past. Pet owners are more willing to pay for more elective and intensive care than before. Emphasis on scientific methods of breeding and raising livestock, poultry, and fish, and continued support for public health and disease control programs will contribute to the demand for veterinarians.

The employment outlook is especially good for veterinarians with specialty training such as equine medicine and surgery. I love animals and feel I would get satisfaction in this occupation. I can handle unpleasant and physically and emotionally demanding work. I would like to enter the job with a Ph. D.

REFERENCES 1998-99 Occupational Outlook Handbook-Veterinarians. http://stats. bls. gov/oco/ocos076. htm. 10-04-99. pg. 1-7. Careers in Veterinary Medicine-Employment Outlook. http://www. avma. org/care4pets/careoutl. htm. 10-05-99. pg.

1-2. Careers in Veterinary Medicine-Making a Decision. http://www. avma. org/care4pets/caredecs. htm. 10-04-99. pg. 1. Careers in Veterinary Medicine-The Veterinary Technician. http://www. avma. org/care4pets/caretech. htm. 10-05-99. pg. 1-4. Private Clinical Practice. http://www. avma. org/care4pets/rolepriv. htm. 10-04-99. pg. 1-2. Welcome to a Veterinarian’s Web Page. http://dsha. k12. wi. us/students/js. htm. 10-05-99. pg. 1-2. National Compensation Survey. wysiwyg://12/http://stats. bls. gov/ocsm/coma086. htm. 10-04-99. pg. 1.

Veterinary medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases of animals. Treating pets is one of the most profitable fields in veterinary medicine. The proper vaccination of animals and the diagnosis of diseases are part of a …

Veterinary medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases of animals. Treating pets is one of the most profitable fields in veterinary medicine. The proper vaccination of animals and the diagnosis of diseases are part of a …

Veterinary medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases of animals. Treating pets is one of the most profitable fields in veterinary medicine. The proper vaccination of animals and the diagnosis of diseases are part of a …

Veterinarian- Definition An interesting line of work is being a veterinarian, and though it can take a lot of work it can be very rewarding. Veterinarians care for the health of pets, livestock, and animals in, and zoos. “The AMVA …

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