Vertical Jump

As you can see in my list there is no general fitness heading as I explained in my first step his entire general and much needed fitness will come from his Football and Cross Country training. Fitness is a key factor in the summer as it is the time for competitions and he will need to perform consistently all four to five months of the season. A good health and general fitness will carry him through and make this able. Safety is a key factor in any sport and should not be taken lightly. I will be around all of the time when Adam is performing.

There isn’t much concern for the Speed Posture and Plyometrics sessions but on some days in the Technical sessions there will be great concern as it is greatly stressful and will need a large amount of concentration. Plyometrics My Bounding session will take place on Tuesdays before my circuit training. Bounding is performed to increase muscle strength and size in and around the joints so you can cope with the strenuous impact during the Long and Triple Jumps. Bounding is basically jumping around but with stability, balance and most of all control. My bounding session will mainly consist of:

Alternate Bounding with Double Arm Action Pushing off with the left foot and bring the leg forward, with the knee bent and the thigh parallel to the ground. At the same time bring both arms forward with great force to help propel the body forward. As the leg comes through, the right leg extends back and remains extended for the duration of the push off. Hold this extended stride for a brief time, quickly bringing both arms behind the body, then land on the left foot. The right leg then drives through to the front bent position, the arms come forward, the left leg extends back, and the arms move back.

This drill is an exaggerated running action; make each stride long, and try to cover as much distance as possible. Alternate Bounding with single Arm Action This drill is simply an exaggerated running action. Push off with the left foot and bring the leg forward, with the knee bent and the thigh parallel to the ground. At the same time reach forward with the right arm. As the left leg comes through, the right leg extends back and remains extended for the duration of the push-off. Hold this extended stride for a short time, then land on the left foot.

The right leg then drives through to the front bent position, the left arm reaches forward, and the left leg extends back. Make each stride long, and try to cover as much distance as possible. Combination Bounding with Double Arm Action In combination bounding you bound on one foot in a set sequence: Right-right-left, of Left-left-right. Bound from one foot, to the same foot, then the other foot. Swing both arms forward on each bound, very quickly, to keep the body balanced and the motivation of the bound smooth. Combination Bounding with Single Arm Action

In combination bounding you bound on one foot in a set sequence: Right-right-left, of Left-left-right. Bound from one foot, to the same foot, then the other foot. The right arm moves forward with the left foot, and vice versa. Continue bounding by repeating the cycle. Combination Bounding with Vertical Jump Do a combination bounding sequence (right-right-left of left-left-right), then follow immediately with a strong vertical jump. On the third bound, bring the nonbounding foot up to meet the bounding foot so that the jump is of both feet.

Use a double arm swing to assist in lifting you vertically. As soon as you land from the vertical jump, complete another bounding sequence. Speed Posture Proper Sprinting Posture – When Adam is sprinting I will always tell him to practice proper sprinting form, in time the posture will come second nature to Adam and he will automatically do this. Forward Lean – I will tell Adam to lean with his whole body, not just at the waist. If he “leans-over” at the waist it will not allow his leg to move through the full range of motion needed for sprinting.

Arm/Shoulder Action – I will explain to Adam how to throw his elbows back as hard as you can, not forward. Foot Contact – Adams feet should make contact directly in front of him and on the ball-toe of the foot. Concentration – Adam should always be focusing on what he is doing, if he is not speed is lost. I have decided to assess Adams jumps first by giving him three jumps in long jump then triple jump. After that we will then work on the basic technique for long jump and triple jump.

At the start of every session I will get Adam to warm up, the warm up will consist of a slow 800 metre jog. The first 400m will just be ordinary running then on the second lap we will incorporate dynamic stretches ranging from arm curls to side stepping. Then finally we will perform specific stretches that will get all the joints and muscles for the high intensity jumping sessions. Feedback: Adam focused well on the warming up and was very sensible as he did this, also in the first assessment he rose to the occasion pulling out two personal bests in both long and triple jump.

His final jump in the long jump was his best; he accomplished a 5. 15m jump. His second jump in triple jump was his best; he achieved a 11. 01m jump. After this high intensity performance I decided just to talk one on one with him about his performances and what he could do to improve his performances all around. We had agreed his take-off was not correct as he was thirty or so centimetres behind the board. Also we agreed a lot of work needed to be done with his phases in triple jump, he must even them out first to lengthen them.

A long jumper has a high mesomorph score as they have quite a muscular body, strong thighs, core strength and little body fat. As a long jumper it is ideal to have fast twitch muscle fibres as you need to …

Today I have decided to move straight into the preparation work by starting the session with a good warm up then moving directly to some Plyometrics. I have decided to do the more easy exercises first to move him into …

This is used so that you can keep focus on the ball but also you need to be aware of the people around you so after you have controlled the ball you can make a decision on where to pass …

(I) SKIPPING: With a rope, do basic skips, with no jumps in between. (2) PUSH-UPS: Start in the front-support position with my hands and toes on the floor and trunk, hips, and legs extended. I bend my arms and lower my …

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