Vegetarianism & Heal

The habit of living exclusively on vegetables, fruits, grains, cereals and not including meat is known as vegetarianism (Beardworth, 2005). Vegetarianism has been practiced for various reasons. They may be ethical, austere or health reasons. Vegetarians do not include any kind of meat in their diet. Studies have shown that well organized vegetarian diets are good for the human health. Most of the vegetable diets fulfill daily requirements that are needed for the human body to stay healthy. A person living on vegetable diet has low risks of fatal diseases such as cancer.

The life of an individual practicing vegetarianism also increases and also helps in obesity. With the alertness of role meat in contribution to obesity, heart diseases and cancer, many people have embraced vegetarianism as a precautionary medication. Although, meat is easily available in various forms in the western society but people are moving towards a vegetarian diet. They prefer to have vegetables rather than meat. Many vegetarians are individuals who have the knowledge and understanding to play a role to make a society as peace as possible along with the elimination of aggression and hostility that lives in the human heart.

It is not in the nature of human beings to be meat eaters. Instead, the human body is structured to eat vegetables. Vegetarianism is the healthiest way of eating. The use of chemicals, preservatives and additives in meat is harmful for the human body. Another reason to op for vegetarianism is because of the problems of animal plagues such as bird flu, mad cow diseases; etc can infect humans (Corliss, 2007). The idea of becoming vegetarianism is something that is good for each and every individual.

The motive for supporting vegetarianism cannot be argued because becoming a vegetarian logically proven to enhance ones existence in numerous unique ways which have been mentioned above. The main aim of opting for vegetarianism is because its healthy and cleanses both body and mind. Ethics of Killing Animals for Food There are many ethical issues on the subject of consumption of meat. Apparently, many vegetarians clearly raise objections on the issue of killing animals for food. According to Peter Singer, if choice of existence is given, then there is no need to kill any animal for food (Beardworth, 2005).

Many ethical vegetarians express their disagreement that the same reasons survive against killing animals for food as against killing humans to eat. Just like humans, animals do not want to die. They have expectations from their life and want to live their life fullest. Also, animals getting killed are subjected to high levels of terror and agony. The butchery of an innocent animal cannot be accepted at all. In crisis and urgent situations it is tolerable to consume meat but eating meat for the sake of good flavor, appropriateness or nutritional value cannot be tolerated at any cost.

Many animals are treated like piece of goods that do not have any feelings. Their emotions and feelings are just like ours. This knowledge helps us to recognize the reality we should be kind and caring towards animals. We should not mistreat these animals and we should feel the pain and suffering they go through. Love, compassion, kindness, sympathy and courtesy are a godly quality that distinguishes between animals and humans. Leonardo da Vinci was a renowned artist and he was a vegetarian. He stated that cruelty is part of human nature and this makes him the worst creation ever to live on the planet earth (Beardworth, 2005).

According to the American Health association, people who follow vegetable diets are healthier than people who consume large amount of meat (Amato, 1999). Individuals who follow vegetarianism have low body mass index, low cholesterol levels, stabilize blood pressure which reduces …

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Food is considered one of the basic needs in every household. The food is obtained from two main sources namely the plants and animals. The choices for the kind of food to eat greatly vary and are never fixed for …

Any diet which excludes the use of animal flesh is known as vegetarianism. Vegetarianism comes in a variety of diets which also exclude animal products like eggs or dairy products. A vegetarian diet satisfies the nutritional needs for all stages …

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