Using information gathering to improve nursing practice

After the advent of the technological era, information has become accessible to a series of individuals from a wide range of professions; nursing is no exception. However, there is need to check on the accuracy and the reliability of certain pieces of information especially when it may be used for professional purposes. Consequently, practitioners must familiarize themselves with all the available data sources and then determine the most credible ones. This essay shall examine the systems theory and the diffusion of innovation theory against the backdrop of two databases i. e. Google and also through the CINAHL online database.

A Ludwig Von Bertalanffy’s systems theory article from the Google search engine Article source: http://n4bz. org/gst/gst1. htm The article is an extraction of Von Bertalanfy’s 1968 book on the General systems theory. According to this article, the latter theory is founded on the premise that all systems are simply a depiction of how they are related to one another through their components. (Harrison, 2008) Bertalanffy was instrumental biology because he was responsible for introducing the systems theory in which the ‘whole’ could be described as something that was much more than a combination of its components.

According to Ludwig, it was necessary to analyze living organizations in a totally different way from non living ones. In the latter case, one could depend on chemical and physical processes to understand such systems. Consequently, laws of thermodynamics were applicable there. However, among living organisms, systems reacted very differently to their external environments. Here, a living organism had the ability to maintain or even improve its state of order even after a component with negative entropy was introduced into the system. In other words, there were different laws governing the parts and processes that make up the living organism.

In relation to the latter questions, Ludwig came up with answers in the form of non summative wholeness, self regulation and organization and these formed the largest portion of his generalized systems theory. These concepts were the principles that were used to explain why living organisms have different mechanisms for coping with their external environment. Ludwig asserts that when systems fail to react to their environment or if they are invariant, then this failure can then be used to unify all the systems that depict such a trait.

In other words, since living organisms depict certain uniformities amongst them, then it is safe to say that they represent a union in the sciences. This biologist is quick to point out that this does not mean that all concepts and disciplines should be regarded as one. In fact, he acknowledges the diversity in each. However, he brings out the fact that these components can be perceived as interrelated ones because their invariance across a series of disciplines unifies them for instance, in self maintenance, development and structure.

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