US health officials

Despite the picture of a “perfect” health care system depicted by US health officials, a large number of Americans are dissatisfied with the country’s health care quality.

Critics and researchers alike see many flaws in the existing health care system, although it also has its own strengths. Such imperfections and dissatisfactions are despite the fact that the United States spends more on health care than any other country. There is a disparity between the level of government spending for health care and the quality received by the citizens.

Although the elderly are seen to get more quality service and are more satisfied with the country’s health care, the United States has a lot to learn from other countries that are able to provide a better service even while spending less. The lack of a universal health care system, the rising cost of insurance and the large number of uninsured are primary issues that have to be addressed in order to improve the health care system in America. Revision #2

US citizens have a poor perception of the health care quality in the country despite the fact that the US private-public health system spends more on healthcare than any other nation (Sridhar, 2005). Revision # 3 Sixty-three percent of Americans obtain insurance coverage by employer-sponsorship, 14% are covered by public programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, 5% have private non-group insurance coverage, leaving 17% of the American population, uninsured (Sridhar, 2005).

For most Americans, having no health insurance has been a dilemma. According to recent statistics released by the US Census Bureau, 45 million people are uninsured which is 6 percent or 1. 4 million people higher than the 2003 figures …

Everyone in the United States would like to live a healthy life but to live healthy we must have a good health care system. The United States has more than 40 million Americans that are currently uninsured because some changes …

According to a survey report published by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department, in the year 2004, 92% of Pennsylvania’s residents had some type of health insurance coverage. Statistics revealed an improvement over the year 2003 when fewer than 90% of Pennsylvanians …

According to a survey report published by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department, in the year 2004, 92% of Pennsylvania’s residents had some type of health insurance coverage. Statistics revealed an improvement over the year 2003 when fewer than 90% of Pennsylvanians …

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