Understanding human behavior

For Course: Spirit Controlled Temperament Lesson One – Part 1 I. A. Siblings are always of the same temperament. B. Temperament theory is the final answer to the human behavior. C. The theory of the temperaments can be dated back to more than 3000 years. D. In the Bible, the temperament is called the natural man, the flesh, the old man. E. Hippocrates are who gave the four temperaments their names. Lesson One – Part 2 II. A. Dr. LaHaye Say’s that change or modification of behavior is not automatic when we receive Jesus but we must cooperate with the Spirit of God within us to experience change. B.

The only one or thing that can modify our temperament is The Holy Spirit. C. Personality is the same temperament. D. Dr. Brandt stated one can use their backgrounds as an excuse for their present behavior only until the receive Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. E. We aren’t able to change our basic temperament. Lesson Two – Part 1 III. A. Black dark blood was associated with the melancholy temperament. B. Hippocrates associate rich warm blood with the sanguine temperament. C. Each temperament contains strengths and richness, weaknesses and dangers. D. Yellow bile is associated with the choleric temperament.

E. Phlegm was associated with the phlegmatic temperament. Lesson Two – Part 2 IV. A. Peter was the Biblical Sanguine. B. The best career for the Sanguine would be salesperson. C. The sanguine isn’t a serious, quiet type who is an introvert by nature. D. The choleric is the hot, quick, practical, and strong-willed temperament. E. Choleric don’t enjoy yard work, a variety of foods, and fixing things. Lesson Three – Part 1 V. A. Some of the world’s greatest generals, dictators, and gangsters have been predominantly choleric. B. The suggested career for the choleric would be a developer. C.

Paul was the Biblical choleric. D. Almost any humanitarian vocation would be the best career choice for a melancholy. E. Melancholy are analytical, self-sacrificing, gifted, perfectionist type, dependable, with a very sensitive emotional nature. Lesson Three – Part 2 VI. A. Phlegmatics tend to be spectators in life. B. Solomon and the Apostle John was the Biblical melancholy. C. Phlegmatic aren’t an excitable, fast-paced, emotional type temperament. D. The best careers for the phlegmatic would be engineering. E. Phlegmatic are not natural leaders, athletes, or peacemakers. Lesson Four – Part 1

VII. A. All four of the basic temperaments are needed to give variety and purposefulness in this world. B. There are 12 primary blends of temperament, according to Dr. LaHaye. C. Sanguine-choleric temperament blend is the strongest extrovert. D. A Biblical example of the phlegmatic is Abraham. E. Sanguine-phlegmatic will be cooler and easier to get along with. Lesson Four – Part 2 VIII. A. Choleric-melancholy temperament blend is an excellent debater. B. Sanguine-melancholy temperament blends has a crucial weakness in their thought life. C. Choleric-sanguine is the best at motivating others and thrives on a challenge.

D. A Choleric-phlegmatic man makes an excellent administrator. E. Sanguine-melancholy blend is not obnoxious, critical overbearing, cruel, and unlikable. Lesson Five – Part 1 IX. A. One of the temperament strengths of the sanguine is compassion. B. Abraham is the phlegmatic-choleric Biblical character who left a pagan city, denied his wife twice, was full of fear, and who, after surrendering to God became known as the man “who believed God”. C. Melancholy-choleric temperament type are haunted by self-persecution, hostility, and criticism. D.

Melancholy-phlegmatic make good accountants, bookkeepers, and CPA’s. E. Christians whose temperaments have been modified by the Holy Spirit doesn’t find it easier to analyze their temperament. Lesson Five – Part 2 X. A. The weaknesses of the melancholy are self-centeredness, pessimism, and moodiness. B. Our natural temperaments influence all of our actions and reactions. C. The phlegmatic tends to be slow, lazy, stubborn, and indecisive. D. The nine characteristics of the Spirit-filled temperament is called the fruit of the Spirit. E. Choleric’s strengths aren’t sensitivity, friendliness, and dependability.

Lesson Six – Part 1 XI. A. Love, joy, and generosity are emotions that counteract the most common weaknesses of temperament. B. Melancholy is the most likely to maintain a regular devotional life. C. Joy and rejoicing are expected forms of Christian behavior, according to Scripture. D. Out of 84 weaknesses found by Dr. Lahayes students, there were found to be at least 2 fruits of the Spirit to compensate strength for every weakness. E. Goodness is needed for all four temperaments that are prone to be selfish and inconsiderate. Lesson Six – Part 2 XII. A.

We cannot always equate success in witnessing with the power to witness. B. Keeping people from Christ and the understanding of The Holy Spirit is two obstacles Satan places before mankind. C. How many of the gifts of the Spirit are active in our life is the real test of the Spirit-filled life. D. The attitude of yielded ness is absolutely necessary for the filling of God’s Spirit. E. The fundamental principle to be kept in mind regarding the work of the Holy Spirit is he always glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. Lesson Seven – Part 1 XIII. A. One of the most common and destructive emotions known to man is anger.

B. Sanguine, choleric, melancholy, and phlegmatic temperaments are prone to fear. C. A Christian is ready to receive the Spirit of God when they have examined themselves, when they have yielded themselves without reservation to God, and when they have confessed all known sin. D. 60 to 80 percent of illnesses today are emotionally induced. E. According to Dr. McMillen, are caused by emotional stress. Lesson Seven – Part 2 XIV. A. Almost all people have some temperament tendency toward fear. B. An unhappy, unthankful attitude that quenches the Holy.

Spirit is caused by unbelief in the faithfulness of our God. C. An internist and ulcer specialist claimed that 100 percent of ulcers are caused by anger. D. The angry woman who had claimed her husband treated her like dirt changed her ways rather than changing her husband ways. E. Dr. Lahaye feels that the most devastating blow one human conflict on another is disapproval. Lesson Eight – Part 1 XV. A. Every time we sin, our conscience remind us of our relationship to God. B. The third cause of fear is traumatic experiences, particularly in childhood. C. Selfishness isn’t the basic cause of fear.

D. Lack of hope accounts for the catastrophic increase in depression among the youngest teenagers. E. The price paid by the depressed person is loneliness, apathy, and fatigue. Lesson Eight – Part 2 XVI. A. Melancholy is most vulnerable to depression. B. Dissatisfaction with personal accomplishments often leads to depression. C. Depression leads to apathy and to loss of productivity. D. Depression and psychological letdown, is a natural reaction to the termination of a long-range project. E. Frustration that follows an angry reaction to a situation leads to depression. Lesson Nine – Part 1.

XVII. A. Physically induced depressions need the help of a physician, and prescribed medication. B. Sanguine is considered to be natural born egotists. C. Selfishness is what Dr. LaHaye found to be the main destroyer of marriage. D. The sin of self-pity is the primary cause of depression. E. Egotism is induced by our temperament. Lesson Nine – Part 2 XVIII. A. We can overcome selfishness, by replacing it with love and then only with God’s help. B. Phlegmatic is not outgoing nor giving. C. In order to establish “others-consciousness” we should memorize the scripture philippians 2:3-4. D.

A woman with a low self-image approach marriage, she will feel that she has to be perfect to be accepted. E. It is not God’s will that your natural traits be destroyed. Lesson Ten – Part 1 XIX. A. Unconfessed sin short-circuits our prayer life. B. The first step towards overcoming alcoholism is facing the fact that you are and alcoholic. D. God seeks to fill our lives by making us productive and effective in His service, overcoming our weaknesses. E. Psychiatry have no answers because it has no supernatural source of power. Lesson Ten – Part 2 XX.

A. Four spiritual characteristics are not needed by choleric’s are gentleness, meekness, goodness, and long-suffering. B. The most serious problem for sanguine is weakness of will. C. Choleric’s natural productivity be attributed their active minds and dogged determination. D. Beautiful hymns, meaningful poetry, music such as the Messiah, great works of art, and some deep spiritual truths are the result of a melancholy talents, modified and energized by the Holy Spirit. E. As the heart of the phlegmatic is genuinely filled with love for others, they will be drawn out of their shell of self-protection and give themselves more vigorously in the service of Christ.

Hippocrates, and later Galen, hypothesized that a person’s character was influenced by a combination of four humors that governed the body: black bile, phlegm, yellow bile, and blood. Centuries later, the Elizabethans adopted these ideologies to their medical practices, and …

This article is about the modern psychological theory of temperament that is popularly called the ‘Four Temperaments’ . This theory finds its origin from the ‘Four Humours’ in Greco-Romanian medicine and was systemized and developed into a medical theory by …

This article is about the modern psychological theory of temperament that is popularly called the ‘Four Temperaments’ . This theory finds its origin from the ‘Four Humours’ in Greco-Romanian medicine and was systemized and developed into a medical theory by …

Describe and evaluate one of the major approaches to psychology in terms of its contributions to understanding human behaviour. Behaviourism is known to be the second major approach of psychology. This approach will be used for the purpose of this essay …

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