Understanding Discipline

Operations at fires and other emergency scenes require quick reaction and strict discipline, this method of operation has little application to the daily routine in the fire station. Yet what the report refers to as “command power” is kept in place for “activities that require leadership and management, rather than automatic obedience to orders. ” As a consequence, it might also have been noted, fire officers therefore do not are not required to learn how good management skills, nor do they routinely have the opportunity to do so, either by observation or by formal training.

Insufficient attention has been given to ensuring that those women who become fire fighters stay in their jobs. The problems they face are well known and vary from sexual harassment to inadequate toilet and changing facilities and accommodation. At a meeting with the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority convened by the Commission for Racial Equality with representatives of the Fire Policy Unit, Fire Service Inspectorate, the LGA and GLA and the EOC it was agreed that the Fire Service Discipline Code was no longer an effective management tool for dealing with issues of harassment and bullying in the work place.

People were encouraged to keep buckets of sand and water at home and fire brigades issued safety guides to cut the risk of fires. A total of 10,000 Army, Navy and RAF personnel manned fleets of Green Goddesses on the streets to tackle emergencies. As the strike continued into the winter, stories emerged of how the well-disciplined military were not equipped to deal with the big emergencies. The fire fighters finally agreed to settle for a 10% pay rise with guarantees of future increases and they went back to work on 16 January. ***

Small article taken from the Fire Brigades Union website which just points out the fact of how well disciplined the military are. Royal Air Force. The RAF is a military organisation, with all the implications that go with this – standards are high and maintained by a military hierachy and code of discipline. Life is nomadic and can be hectic – the RAF does not pay over-time no matter how many hours are worked (compared to the Fire Brigade). What do we mean by conformity? Conformity means changing your behaviour and ideas so that they are the same as the group or people we are with.

In any society there are certain NORMS. Which shape the way people are expected to act in any given situation. If we do not conform to those norms (accepted behaviours) we are labelled as an ‘outsider’. Norms are things such as:- wearing clothes, eating breakfast and the majority of people today have mobile phones. These are things we do on a day to day basis. The reasons why people conform is because they have a fear that they will be rejected by a group or people they know. They usually have a low self esteem and they lack in confidence.

Evaluate your personal levels of self-discipline by giving an honest summary of the positive and negative aspects of your self-discipline. It is important that a good level of self discipline is maintained in all of our endeavours, especially when there …

I have chosen to study the topic of physical discipline used on young children. I will be focusing my study mainly on two generations of males and females, parents and non-parents, to observe the wide range of opinions between the …

More often than not, what appear at first glance to be instances of choice turn out to be instances of conformity. The women who undergo cosmetic surgery in order to compete in various beauty pageants are clearly choosing to conform. …

The damage caused by Hurricane Katrina was a very serious one and an eye opener to the emergency medical service providers and the fire department. Indeed it was the most powerful hurricane to have ever hit the United States. The …

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