UAE Healthcare

The United Arab Emirates is one of the countries in the world that is economically growing very fast and the growth is attributed and favoured by its strategic location in the Gulf. The growth has been realized in almost all sectors which include trade, education and more important the healthcare sector. The healthcare sector has improved drastically to the benefit of the country’s population. Due to government support of the healthcare sector through finances and working healthcare policies, it has projected the country to be among the best performing country in the world.

The health care in this country is funded by the government and the fast developing private sector and it very comprehensive. The average life expectancy is 75 years. Many common or prevalent diseases which include polio, measles, diphtheria and many others have been completely stamped out. Mortality rate of children is less than one percent which translates to almost no child mortality. The government has introduced school health based system and health education is in every level of age. Development of its technology infrastructure has enabled the people of the country to access cheaper healthcare from other countries i.

e. people with serious ailments which require specialized treatment including surgery no longer travel abroad but they receive treatment within the country. Many public hospitals are connected to the internet which is better referred to as telemedicine linkage with other best hospitals. This has made possible for the government to save a lot of funds which may have been spent in travel and other associated expenses to expand facilities in public hospitals which include increased bed capacity and installing state-of-the art facilities.

UAE has the best health care database which is upgraded regularly. Technology is changing the health care sector as acknowledged by (O’Carroll, Yasnoff, et al 2006) that, “In today’s healthcare and other sectors, proper technology choice is guiding professionals in making right decisions and it has been found out that, information technologies will improve information resource management and choice of technology”. The United Arab Emirates has successfully initiated campaigns of preventive medicine which has had an impact in its life expectancy.

These campaigns engage immunizations, public awareness educational programmes and more important funds have been dispatched to learning institutions for research. In fighting diseases like AIDS, Hepatitis B, intestinal worms, tuberculosis and other epidemic diseases the government of UAE introduced a programme that necessitated all foreigners to undergo compulsory tests before issued with residence visas and this has worked exemplary well.

Malaria has been well contained but a few cases were found in foreigners. “Many other vaccine programmes for instance, against cholera and meningitis which target adults have been continued and tremendous success has been achieved” (Nicholas & Brian 2006). All over the country women and children are provided with Medicare and over 96 percent of women give birth in hospitals. Of all this, the UAE citizens are paying very little towards this health care system but the services are among the best in the world.

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Description: Preferred language style: English(U. S. ) Research and write a short paper on the Impact of Information Technology on the Quality of Healthcare. The length of the paper should be a minimum of 2 and maximum of 3, doubled …

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