Types of training

The two general categories of interval training are:  Long interval training- is particularly good for players in team games or middle distance athletes, as it works in bursts of from 15 seconds up to 3 minutes. For 3 minutes work, there should be 3 minutes rest. It should be normally be done at 80-85 percent maximum work rate. The majority of this would consist of running, usually for a set time. It would not be possible to do this over a long distance because of the times worked.

An example is sets of 400 metre runs in less than 75 seconds. * Short interval training- is designed for short bursts of activity so it would suit sprint athletes and racket sports, where there is more stop and go action. The work periods are much shorter but should be done at maximum work rate. The rest periods remain to be long because of this; 2 minutes would be necessary to recover sufficiently. Continuous training Continuous training is a method of training that keeps the heart and pulse rate at a high level to improve endurance.

Running, jogging, cycling, swimming and aerobic classes are all examples of this. Treadmills and exercise cycles are both machines that can achieve continuous training and are also useful because they can be used indoors. For this training to be effective, the performer must seek to work on the machines for a minimum of 15 minutes. This will improve the cardiovascular and respiratory system and is therefore suitable for a person wishing to improve their general fitness levels. Fartlek training

This is a method of training based on the Swedish words ‘speed training’ and is a form of continuous training. It alternates walking, power walking, running, jogging and fast steady running. This is performed at your own pace, as when they are ready to progress from a walk to a fast run. However, if it sometimes more effective to set off on a planned programme based on times and distances which will be walked, jogged and run at speed. The types of training that I am intending to use are: * Weight training- this will help improve my strength and my physical appearance.

I hope to use a mix of isotonic and isometric to add variance to my training programme and hopefully receive a variety of improvements to my muscle strength. Circuit training- this will help be a good chance to practice skills such as fast feet, tackling and passing off both hands (like suggested in my purpose and aims) meanwhile improving fitness in certain areas of the body (using specificity). Interval training- this will help improve my game in two main areas by using long and short interval training. Short interval training will improve my speed, especially off the mark.

My aim is to include numerous short sprints of about 20m at 100% intensity with 1-minute rest period between each one to ensure recovery is sufficient and to avoid muscle fatigue. I am using long interval training by including a few long, back to back cycle rides with a 5 minute rest period between each bike ride. This will improve my general fitness and adds another type of training to my programme. Continuous training- this will improve my general fitness and stamina. I decided to include fairly lengthy jogs as it contains no major thinking but is meanwhile gaining positive, useful results.

I have been asked to plan a training programme for a particular sport over a period of six weeks. I decided to design the training programme for football. The training programme would improve my cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance and a …

I am a 15-year-old male and I am going to devise a training programme for myself to do over the next 6 weeks. I play a lot of football but also enjoy many other sports including cricket, squash and athletics …

An individual who wants to improve in a given sport should train in order to improve. This could mean exercising the body and muscles, practising skills for a certain sport or just simply playing the sport more often. One way …

A training programme can be used to improve general fitness and skill in a sport. The training programme can be adapted to suit the user. Using the programme over a period of time will increase the fitness of the user. …

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