Type of Muscle Contractions

To be able to carry out a 10m shuttle run in a perfect way continuously for 45 seconds you must set up two cones 10m apart. It’s simply an aerobic exercise which involves running at your own pace one cone to the other, making sure you touch the ground at both ends, until the time is up. Points of technique: Go at your own pace Touch the ground at both sides There are three main muscles that are used when running a 10m shuttle run these muscles are: Quadriceps (front of upper leg) which extends the lower leg Hamstrings (back of upper leg) which flexes the lower leg Gastroc-nemius.

(Top of calf) which Extends towards the ankle Station 2- Tricep Dips To be able to carry out the exercise Tricep dips you must set out a bench. To do a Tricep dip you must put both hands flat out on the bench with your legs out in front of you at a 90( angle. With out your bttom touching the floor you must push down and up. You should feel your upper arms working as you push up and then back down. Pointers when carrying out a Tricep dip exercise: Go at your own pace Make sure your feet are together Make sure you face you hands forward on top of the bench Do not touch the floor with your bottom The main muscles being worked on when doing a Tricep dips are.

Triceps (back of upper arm) which extends lower arm Biceps (front of upper arm) which flexes lower arm Station 3- step ups To be able to carry out step up exercises you will need a bench or steps. To be able to do this it’s simply stepping up with both feet onto the bench and back down; this will have to be repeated at your own pace for the full 45 seconds. Here are some main pointers that will need to be known to Attempt a perfect step up: Make sure the whole foot touches the bench Repeat at a steady pace that’s fit you There are three main muscles being worked on when carrying out this exercise and these are the muscles in the leg: Quadriceps (front of upper leg) which extends the lower leg.

Sit ups is a simple exercise used in many circuits for toning. Its simply laying on your back with your legs bent at a 90( angle, and then by pulling pull your torso towards your knees and then relaxing by laying back down. Your hands can slide up your leg when pulling up and then back down when relaxing and laying back down. To know if you’re carrying out this exercise properly you should be able to feel your abdominals working as you pull up and back down what then relaxes. Here are some pointers when doing sit ups: Go at your own pace incase of injury because it could occur if you overload your self. To start off with you can pull yourself half way up with your hands half way up your legs in stead of going the full way. But remember to progress by eventually going the full way and by doing more.

I have chosen one particular role model called Dame Kelly Holmes who is an English middle distance athlete. She has been entered into many competitions such as the Olympics and common wealth games what she sees as a great challenge in life. She has won gold medals in the Olympics for middle distance races such as the 800 meters and 1500 meters. Kelly’s sport isn’t fitness, her sport is middle distance running, but to be able to take part in middle distance running she must have a good level of fitness. Kelly uses many different methods of training what consists of circuit training, weight training, continuous running, heel training and speed training of the track.

She trains twice everyday of the week except one day. On top of this Kelly has a balanced diet (“combination of food choices from each of the five basic food groups; This gives the body the nutrients needed for good health”).Kelly has a superb working cardiovascular system as she trains frequently and increases the intensity each time so she progresses so each time she can meet extra demands of exercise that makes her fitter. Kelly has a combination of speed, stamina and strength to complete her challenges. As well as physically Kelly is very well mentally minded as she sets targets for her self both in sport and in her social life.

The knee is basically a modified hinge joint positioned where the end of the femur meets the top of the tibia. Overstretching of anterior cruciate ligament within the knee will generally result to a torn ligament. This commonly occurs as …

1) Warm up for 10-15 minutes prior to the actual exercise session. Increase duration of warm-up when temperature is cold or when you are sore. 2) I shall warm up until I begin to sweat. The whole purpose of my warm …

I will record my heart rate before and after I do my training programme. I will take my pulse for a minute before and after exercise. I must ensure that I consider safety at all times, in order to avoid …

By having my hands facing upwards when playing a cut shot it demotivates me when I get out playing that shot because I know that I can play it properly. I play the ball underneath my eyes and I get …

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