Trend in Plastic Surgery Study

In 600 B. C, a Hindu surgeon was able to reconstruct a nose using a piece of cheek. 1400 years later, rhnoplasty became a common cosmetic procedure. Because of the development in technologies, and techniques, by the 19th century, anestheisa and antiseptics were commonly used making plastic surgery safer than ever before. In early early years, cosmetic surgery procedures are commonly used between victims of birth defects or victims of automobile accidents.

In these modern years, we’re seeing a fact that plastic surgeries isn’t just used to help improve lives of people suffering from deformity, but rather, to help millions of people pursue their desire to alter a specific physical feature to signal a youthful and healthier image(Donohoe, M. ). There are many reasons why people choose to plastic surgeries to permanatly achieve a certain look, and the trend is increasing in popularity. Having said that, let’s take a look at what are the contributing factors affecting a trend in cosmetic surgery, namely numbers of plastic surgery procedures performed worldwide.

In a recent article referencing plastic the international trend in plastic surgery, the author believes that there is a a correlation between wealth and number of plastic surgery procedures performed. As wealth increases, people have more discretionary income to use for plastic surgery. Pariticularly, it would be no supprise if a developed country such as United States top the list, and emerging economy such as India, and China where aethetic procedures are on the rise ( Grenley, R.)

The widespread of plastic surgery has gained popularity not only among young woman to want to get surgeries, but also older person who wants to get a more youthful look. According to New York Times, there are many reasons to get plastic surgeries as people age. With the advance of medication, many people are living longer and healthier. For those reasons, people usually want their physiques to align with their psyches ( Ellin, A. ).

It would not be supprise to see that older women, especially those that are enjoying their retirment years are among the population that creates the high demand in plastic surgeries. Prospective patients for plastic surgeries comes from different background of economic status, and level of education. According to the society of advancement for education, there are factual data supporting the fact that not only people with high incomes are the target of cosmetic surgery procedures, but it can be any one. It can be the young mom next door, the waiter who served you lunch ( USA today).

*** I’m going to add more to this part. The pressure to look perfect affect is appearantly presented in many areas across urban and rural area. In a recent article in times of India, it stated that the demand for aesthetic and cosmetic surgery has grown immensely in urban and semi-urban India. It is can be implied that people living in urban area are more likely to get a plastic surgeries. Based on the articles that we’ve found, our research will be focusing on the contributing factors that drive the number of plastic surgery procedures performed worlwide.

We are going to examine whether there’s a correlation between numbder of plastic surgery procedures pefermeded and GDP per capita, average level of education, age, number of plastic surgeons, and percentage of population living in urban area. Hypothesis: We believe that the number of plastic surgery procedures is a function of demographics of each country namely GPD per capita, age, average level of education, number of plastic surgeons, and the percentage of population living in urban area. Null vs. Alternate Hypothesis.

Null Hypothesis: There is a not a statistically significant relationship between the number of plastic surgery procedures and demographics of each country namely GDP per capita, age, average level of education, number of plastic surgeons, and the percentage of population living in urban area. Alternate Hypothesis: There is a statistically significant relationship between the number of plastic surgery procedures and demgraphics of each country namely GDP per capita, age, average level of education, number of plastic surgeons, and the percentage of population living in urban area.

1. Variables: Independent Variables: GDP per capita, age, average level of education, number of plastic surgeons, and the percentage of population living in urban area. Dependent Variables: Number of plastic surgery procedures 2. Reasons that we chose these variables: Number of plastic surgery procedures: Number of plastic surgery procedures includes both invasive and non invasive plastic surgery procedures. Invasive surgeries include facelift, nose job, lipsucntion. Minimally invasive or non invasive procedures include chemical peel, microdermabrasion, botox.

GDP per capita: We look at GDP per cappita because we wanted to see how elastic or inelastic plastic surgery procedures are, or if the numbder plastic surgery procedures performed are even affected by GDP. Age: According to our findings, it is a common knowledge that the more people age, the more likely that they would want to opt for cosmetic surgery to gain back that youthful looking appearance, so we choose this variable to see if there’s a positive correlation between age of number of plastic surgeries performed.

Average level of education: Is it true that the higher level of education a person get, the less likelihood of them getting plastic surgery perform, or it’s the other way around? We’re going to examine this variable because we want to see if the higher level of education a person have, they would be more suseptible to the pressure of getting plastic surgery as it signifies an intangible means of enhancing one self’s worth.

Number of plastic surgeons: This should be an important indicator of how many plastic surgery procedures are performed every year. We want to look at these numbers because we want to determine whether it’s because there is rising a demand in plastic surgeries; therefore, the number of plastic surgeons are also on the rise. In another word, do the plastic surgeons locate where there are demand of plastic surgeries, or wherever there are a lot of plastic surgeons, that’s where the demand is created.

In 600 B. C, a Hindu surgeon was able to reconstruct a nose using a piece of cheek. 1400 years later, rhnoplasty became a common cosmetic procedure. Because of the development in technologies, and techniques, by the 19th century, anestheisa …

In 600 B. C, a Hindu surgeon was able to reconstruct a nose using a piece of cheek. 1400 years later, rhnoplasty became a common cosmetic procedure. Because of the development in technologies, and techniques, by the 19th century, anestheisa …

In 600 B. C, a Hindu surgeon was able to reconstruct a nose using a piece of cheek. 1400 years later, rhnoplasty became a common cosmetic procedure. Because of the development in technologies, and techniques, by the 19th century, anestheisa …

Plastic surgery today is known as one of the most popular surgeries in our generation. Many people in our society, females in particular, want to look like their favorite celebrity or follow the “hip” trends to fit in. This wants …

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