Those at highest risk

However in case of elders, there is one death for every 5 attempts of suicide. • During 2004, percentage of suicide was approximately 12. 3 per 100,000 among elderly persons aging 65 to 74, and for above the age of 75 the percentage is 16. 3 per 100,000 • Weapons were the most common means (72%) used for committing suicide among the older. Men (92%) use weapons 11. 5 times more likely as compared to women (8%). • Substance abuse or any other drug abuse plays a diminishing role in old age suicides then youngster suicide. • Another chief cause of suicide among the old is depression or mental illness, mostly no diagnosed or untreated.

• Suicide attempt is seldom preceded by only single cause or only reason. Recognizing whether an elderly is actually suicidal is very difficult for even the trained professional. This for an untrained or less trained, it is almost impossible. Below are some common events or conditions that may cause an older person to think of committing suicide: • If the person undergoes Recent death of a spouse or any loved one • If the person is suffering form some chronic unbearable or lethal illness • If the individual is undergoing some pain, specifically if pain is unbearable or chronic

• If the person feels that he has lost his freedom and/or mobility • If he or she start thinking that he is dependence on others • If he or she losses his job or loss of productive activities • If he or she is economically dependent or difficulty in facilitating his or his family • If he or she is going Depression or anxiety • Substance abuse and/or dependence • Ignorant by family and community • Feelings of despair and helplessness • Social isolation and loneliness Warning signs Elderly intending to suicide mostly had numerous signs but are mostly neglected by people around. Some of the major signs are as follows

• Statements about death and suicide • Reading material about death and suicide • Statements of despair or helplessness • Change in sleep pattern or sleeplessness • Increased substance use or treatment drugs • Difficulty in following the medical prescription • self medications • isolation or self centered attitude • forcing to change the will • Obvious suicide threats Helping The keys to providing help for an old person considering suicide are: Always be aware of the customary risk factors related to suicide, consult doctors in the community who may provide help, and discussing openly with the person about your apprehension.

A lot of us have strong negative feelings concerning discussing about suicide with elders we suspect to be considering suicide attempt. Majority of people think that taking the patient to mental hospital or psychologist/physiatrist will enrage the patient thus increasing the danger. Despite it may be true, however is a small risk as compared to the risk of suicide attempt. Though discussing these problems is not amusing; but it can save a life. (Elwood, P. Y. & De Silva, P. (1998)

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The world has never seen a surge in suicide rates among men and women than in the present time. As the world gears itself to globalization, high technological breakthrough and overflowing amount of information, stressors or causes of stress also …

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This fear is mostly expressed by relatives concerned about a loved one. In reality, it is improbable that this conversation will lead a person to commit suicide. The most of people who commit suicide have thought of it for long …

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