Also known as: “Malunggay” in Philippines, “Sajina” in India, “Shojne” in Bengal, “Munagakaya” in Telugu, “Shenano” in Rajasthani, “Shevaga” in Marathi, “Nuggekai” in Kannada, “Drumstick Tree, Horse Radish Tree, Ben Oil Tree” in English, “La mu” in Chinese. Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera), is a popular plant known for nutritional value as well as a herbal medicine. Malunggay is a plant that grows in the tropical climates such as the Philippines, India and Africa.
Malunggay is widely used as vegetable ingredient in cooking, as herbal medicine for a number of illness and other practical uses. The Malunngay plant can grow to as high as 9 meters with erect white trunks. The compund leaf has about 3 to 9 leaflets. Malunggay has white fragrant flowers that pruduces long pods with 3-angled winged seeds. Malunggay may be propagated by planting its seeds about an inch in the ground or matured malunggay stem cuttings of about 3 feet in length may also be planted into the ground.
Planted malunggay cuttings grows faster compared to planted seeds. Malunggay, Nutrition and herbal medicine Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) has been used as herbal medicine in many cultures for hundreds of years, Malunggay is known as a very nutritious plant where it is used to combat malnultrition in third world countries especially for infants and nursing mothers. The malunggay pods are the most valued and widely used part of the plant. Malunggay pods contains essential amino acids, vitamins and other nutrients. Malunggay pods may be eaten raw or may be prepared or cooked.
Malunggay pods may be fried and may produce a clear, odorless and sweet oil mostly called – Ben Oil. Malunggay leaves may be eaten as greens, in salads and as vegetable ingredients for soups and other tropical viands. Malunggay flowers are cooked and eaten either mixed with other foods or fried in batter. Medical uses of Malunggay – Health Benefits Malunggay, combat malnutrition, used to combat malnutrition, especially among infants and nursing mothers vitamins A, B and C, calcium, iron and protein Malunggay – Antiinfectious: Antibacterial; Anti Fungal, .
In late 1940’s, The Department of Biochemistry at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore (PLN Rao) have found that malunggay or Moringa Oleifera leaves contain a compound “pterygospermin” that is known in medical science as having antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti fungal properties. Malunggay – Anti Cancer Malunggay or Moringa has been shown in studies to have an anti-tumor capacity. Moringa contains benzyl isothiocyanate. There are many studies that have shown this chemical and compounds derived thereof to have anti-cancer and chemoprotective capabilities.
This chemoprotective aspect is critical for those who are battling cancer; this helps strengthen cells so that they can tolerate chemotherapy. Malunggay is also considered int he treatment of prostate cancer and skin cancer. (Ref: Fuglie LJ (2000).
New Uses of Moringa Studied in Nicaragua. ECHO Development Notes #68, June, 2000. ttp://www. echotech. org/network/modules. php? name=News;file=article;sid=194) Malunggay – anti-inflamatory: Malunggay has been found to inhibit inflammation in a controlled scientific study conducted by Philippine DOST Scientists (Amelia P. Guevara, Carolyn Vargas and Milagros Uy).
When an aquous seed extract of malunggay has been administered to a carrageenan induced inflammation, its was noted that the aquous seed extract of the Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) inhibited the development of edema in ratpaw. The Malunggay is traditionally used to prevent and treat inflammations associated with rheumatism, arthritis and joint pains. Malunggay – Reproductive health. Fuglie LJ (1999) The Miracle Tree: Moringa oleifera: Natural Nutrition for the Tropics has reported that Malunggay or Moringa Oleifera is widely beleived to have an aphrodisiac action that enhances the sexual activity.
Malunggay or moringa oleifera young leaves is also widely used to increase the flow of milk for lactating mothers. -http://www. medicalhealthguide. com/articles/malunggay. htm What is moringa? Moringa, also known as the Miracle Tree, is a multipurpose plant, as the leaves, pods, fruits, flowers, roots and bark of the tree can be utilized. It is also referred to as Drumstick Tree by the Britishers. In the Philippines, they are referred to as malunggay or malungay. Others refer to moringa as horseradish tree, benzolive tree, kelor, marango, mlonge, moonga, nebeday, saijhan, sajna or Ben oil tree.
What are the health benefits of moringa? Scientific research confirms that these humble leaves are a powerhouse of nutritional value. Gram for gram, moringa leaves contain: SEVEN times the vitamin C in oranges, FOUR times the Calcium in milk, FOUR times the vitamin A in carrots, TWO times the protein in milk and THREE times the Potassium in bananas. There are many benefits of the moringa tree, but the health benefits are the most important. Research has shown that various parts of the moringa tree can be effective in a significant number of health concerns. Here’s a quick look at a few of them: * Moringa is rich in Vitamin A.
It contains four times more Vitamin A or beta-carotene than carrots. Hence, it is a weapon against blindness. * It is also a rich source of Vitamin C many times more than oranges. * Normally milk is said to be a rich source of calcium but the amount of calcium present in moringa leaves is way higher than in milk. * The moringa leaves are said to contain two times the protein present in milk. * Bananas are a rich source of potassium. But moringa leaves contain several times more potassium than bananas. * Along with potassium, zinc is also found in large quantities in moringa.
* If moringa leaves were to be eaten by one and all, the world will be free of anemia as it contains three times more iron than spinach. * With all the junk food eaten these days, many people face problems of high cholesterol. Moringa helps in balancing the cholesterol levels in the body. * Essential Amino acids are also found in moringa. * Moringa is also said to balance sugar levels, hence it is helpful in the fight against diabetes. * The body’s natural defense mechanism increases with the consumption of moringa in the daily diet pattern. Since it is an immunity-stimulant, it is prescribed for AIDS afflicted patients.
* Moringa leaves can be consumed to stimulate metabolism. * It is also said to have digestive powers. * It is a nutrition booster and is known to promote a feeling of well-being in people. * If you are looking for non-sugar based energy, then moringa leaves is the answer. Thus, it will also help in the weight loss process. * The cell structure of the body is stimulated by the moringa leaves. * It is especially useful for lactating mothers. The consumption of moringa has shown dramatic increase in the quantity of breast milk. * It is also famous for its anti-bacterial properties.
* The paste of the moringa leaves is said to beautify the skin and is hence applied by women regularly. * It protects the liver and kidneys. * It can also be used as a water purifier. Moringa contains more than 90 nutrients and 46 types of antioxidants. With all the health benefits of moringa, it can easily be termed as the most nutritious plant on the face of the earth. There are no side-effects of moringa tree leaves which have been proved till date.
At the same time it can be consumed by small children and adults alike. Therefore, many people have started using it in porridge, pastas, breads, etc., to reap the everlasting health benefits of the extraordinary ‘moringa’. According to Dr. Monica G. Marcu, researcher and clinical pharmacologist, Moringa is unique because, even in small amounts, it can supply daily a wide gamut of vital nutrients with few calories.
Vitamin and mineral content are just the beginning. Moringa has 18 amino acids, including the eight essentials – the ones your body can not survive without but can not manufacture on its own; they must be supplied through diet. Moringa is as good a source of roughage as carrots but has quadruple the beta carotene content.
It also has plenty of omega-3 oils and chlorophyll, plus 45 compounds with antioxidant properties and 36 with anti-inflammatory properties. To the average Joe, Moringa is a simple way to manage many health problems. It can help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, control blood sugar, and offer anti-aging and anti-inflammatory substances, many of which have anti-cancer properties. Moringa is widely found in tropical and sub-tropical belts. It is a medicinal plant used in Central and South America, Mexico, Malaysia, Philippines, India, Sri Lanka and Africa. -http://edlagman. com/moringa/moringa-health-benefits.
htm Due to its high calcium content (four times the calcium in milk),malunggay helps lactating mothers produce more milk if she eats malunggay-filled soup or salad, or just about any meal with malunggay ingredients. Malunggay leaves are loaded with nutrients. Gram for gram, malunggay leaves also contain two times the protein in milk, three times the potassium in bananas, four times the vitamin A in carrots and seven times the vitamin c (oranges ) while the flowers are used to heal inflammation of the tendons and abscesses Eating malunggay fruits can also lead to higher semen count.
A 2001 study in India has found that the fresh root of the young tree can be used to treat a fever. Asthmatics are advised to drink the infusion from the roots of the plant. It has been recognized and accepted by the US Food and Drug Administration as one of the four dietary antioxidants, the others being vitamin E, beta-carotene and selenium. Tender malunggay leaves also reduce phlegm and are administered internally for scurvy and catarrhal conditions.
Unripe pods of malunggay can prevent intestinal worms, while the fruit also prevents eye disorders. Because of its nutritional content, malunggay strengthens the immune system, restores skin condition, controls blood pressure, relieves headaches and migraines, manages the sugar level thereby preventing diabetes, reduces inflammations and arthritis pains, restricts the growth of tumors, and heals ulcers. This information comes from Dr. Kumar Pati, an Indian doctor who is an expert in natural medicine
Findings of a study made in India, states that malunggay contains anti-cancer compounds (phytochemicals) that help stop the growth of cancer cells. Malunggay is said to be effective in treating ovarian cancer, among a host of other diseases like arthritis, anemia, heart complications, kidney problems, scurvy, asthma, and digestive disorders (ulcer, gastritis, diarrhea, colitis, dysentery). The malunggay plant is also a proven water purifier with its remarkable antiparasitic, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Its seeds can be used to clean dirty or polluted water.
Hawaii-based farmer Vicky Domingo, says that all parts of the malunggay tree are usable for nutritional and medicinal purposes — from the roots, trunk, and branches to the leaves, flowers, and seeds.
The roots, for instance, can be used to make tea, while the trunk, after it’s scraped and squeezed for its juice, can be used to clean wounds. Sources: http://www. sunstar. com. ph/static/dav/2007/10/13/bus/malunggay. the. miracle. vegetable. html http://pinoysphere. com/tag/health-benefits-of-eating-malunggay-leaves/ Malunggay (Moringa) Anti-Cancer Food
Other names: Malunggay, Sajina Malunggay has highly source of protein, Vitamin A, B and C, Calcium, Iron and carotenoids. The root bark has alkaloids, moringine which is quite similar to benzylamine. Best anti-oxidant (removing unstable free radicals) and source of amino acids and omega oil that is high in HDL ( high density lipoproteins). Malunggay is the only herb which us a potential source of anti-cancer compounds that helps cure female reproductive disorders called the epithelial ovarian cancer. Findings ? f a study m?d? ?n India, wh??h w?r? used ?? th? basis ?
f many news reports ? n malunggay ?? a marvel plant, states th?t malunggay contains anti-cancer compounds (phytochemicals) th?t h?? ? ?t? ? th? growth ? f cancer cells. Phytochemical compounds of Malunggay contains simple sugar, rhamnose and unique compounds called glucosinolates and isothiocyanates which is attributed to anti-cancer and hypotensive effects properties. In an extensive studies, it also contains compound for cancer prevention which is inhibitors of TPA ( phorbold easter- early antigen activation in lymphoma cells).
Also for skin tumor prevention by ingesting of malunggay seedpod extract and a reduction in skin papillomas was dramatically demonstrated. There is also possible role of the roots in epithelial ovarian cancer which studies suggests that it can interfere with hormone receptor and neoplastic growth-related pathways through acting mechanisms. The effectiveness of malunggay in the treatment of ovarian cancer is attributed to a combination of anti-tumor and hormonal properties that can be found from the plant’s root bark extracts, according to the research.
It has highly rich in vitamins A, C, and E, which combat free radicals that can impair the body’s metabolism and eventually cause cell death, the research continues. Aside from cancer, the onset of other chronic diseases like arthritis, heart complications and kidney diseases can be prevented because of the potent antioxidants from malunggay. Malunggay ?? ???d t? b? effectual ?n treating ovarian cancer, ?m? n? a host ? f ? th?r diseases ? ?k? anemia, scurvy, asthma, ?nd digestive disorders (ulcer, gastritis, diarrhea, colitis, dysentery).
Malunggay restores skin condition, strengthening the immune system, lowering high blood pressure, managing sugar levels, boosting energy, epilepsy and exterminating intestinal parasites, fighting gum infection, keeping healthy bones and teeth, alleviate earaches, cure Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1), CIR Circulatory/Endocrine Disorders, treating fever, healthy functioning of thyroid, detoxifying toxins and poisons (like scorpion bite), anti-spasmodic, treatment of certain liver diseases, diuretic, purgative, curing urinary tract infection and fight against cancer.
On the otherhand, malunggay leaves, flowers and pods can be eaten, dried powder and cooked. What is amazing is that it can be refrigerated for months without loosing its nutritional value. The ben oil extracted from flowers is used as ointment base for arthritic and rheumatic pains. Decoction of leaves is used for asthma, gout and hiccups. Decoction of roots is good to wash ulcers and sore throats. Combination of coconut oil and boiled flowers are known to have aphrodisiac quality. – http://healthrecipes. com/malunggay-moringa-anti-cancer-food. htm.